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Kanji: Radical: 肉、月 (にく、にくづき) : キョウ; むね; chest
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3768 Index in Halpern dictionary: 951
Japanese Reading English
きょうまくえん (n) pleurisy/
しいむなぐるしい(adj) (feeling of) tightness in the chest/
胸臆きょうおく(n) one's inmost thoughts (feelings)/
きょうつう(n) chest pain/
きょうきん(n) one's heart/(P)/
きょうまく(n) pleura/
胸椎 きょうつい(n) thoracic vertebra(e)/
きょうこつ(n) breastbone/sternum/
きょうちゅう(n) one's heart/one's mind/one's intentions/(P)/
胸がしいむねがくるしいhave a pain in one's chest/
胸糞むなくそ(n) disgust/
きょうぶ(n) chest/breast/(P)/
むなつきはっちょう(n) the most trying spot or period/
むないた(n) breast/chest/
むねざんよう (n) calculating in one's head/
きょうてい(n) the bottom of one's heart/
むねあて(n) breastplate/chest protector/
きょうり(n) one's heart/one's mind (feelings, bosom)/
むねはば(n) breadth of the chest/
むなげ(n) chest hair/breast down/
胸糞むねくそ(n) disgust/
胸をむねをやむ(exp) to become consumptive/
胸腺きょうせん(n) thymus/
むなざんよう (n) calculating in one's head/
むねさんずん (n) heart/mind/feelings/
きょうおう(n) one's heart of hearts/the depths of one's mind/
む ね(n) breast/chest/(P)/
きょうかく(n) chest/thorax/
むなだか(adj-na,n) obi worn high on the waist/
むなもと(n) breast/pit of stomach/
きょうへき(n) chest walls/breastworks/parapet/
むなさわぎ(n) uneasiness/vague apprehension/premonition/
胸にむねにたたむ(exp) to keep to oneself/to bear in mind/
胸をめるむねをいためる(exp) to worry oneself (about)/
むねかざり(n) brooch/
きょうせい(n) low singing voice/
きょうぶげかthoracic surgery/
むなさき(n) chest/breast/
むなぐら(n) collar/lapels/chest/
胸をらすむねをそらす(exp) to be puffed up with pride/to throw out one's chest/
きょうぞう(n) bust (statue)/(P)/
胸がむねがいたむようなできごとpainful incident/
きょうかい(n) heart/feelings/
きょうえい(n) breaststroke/
むなぐら(n) collar/lapels/chest/
きょうすい(n) pleural fluid/
もりむなづもり(n) calculating in one's head/
胸腔きょうこう(n) thorax/thoracic cavity/
むねやけ(n) heartburn/sour stomach/