脈脈たる | みゃくみゃくたる
| (adj-t) unbroken/continuous/pulsating
forcefully/ |
脈 | みゃく | (n)
pulse/(P)/ |
脈搏 | みゃくはく | (n)
pulse/pulsation/stroke of pulse/ |
脈絡 | みゃくらく | (n) chain of reasoning/logical
connection/coherence/context/(P)/ |
脈所 | みゃくどころ | (n) spot where the pulse may be taken/vital
point/ |
脈脈 | みゃくみゃく | (adj-na,n)
continuous/ceaseless/ |
脈管 | みゃっかん | (n) vascular system/blood vessel/duct/ |
脈打つ | みゃくうつ | (v5t) pounding heart/pulsing vein/ |
脈を取る | みゃくをとる | (exp) to take a pulse/ |
脈搏数 | みゃくはくすう | pulse rate/ |
脈拍 | みゃくはく | (n) pulse/pulsation/stroke of pulse/(P)/ |
脈動 | みゃくどう | (n) pulsation/pulsatory motion/ |
脈を診る | みゃくをみる | (exp) to examine one's pulse/ |