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Kanji: Radical: 肉、月 (にく、にくづき) : ダツ; ぬ(ぐ)、ぬ(げる)、ぬ(がす)、ぬ(がせる); remove
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3775 Index in Halpern dictionary: 973
Japanese Reading English
だっすいき (n) dryer/dehydrator/
脱疽だっそ(n) gangrene/
だっしゅうざい (n) deodorant/
だつえい(n) (military) desertion/
だっぱん(n) becoming a lordless samurai/
だつりん(n) wheel flying off its axle/
だっしゅつそくどescape velocity/
だっしょく(n) decolouration/bleaching/
だついじょう dressing room/bath house/
だっそう(n,vs) desertion/escape/(P)/
だつぶん(n) missing passage/lacuna/
だっぽう(n) evasion of the law/
だっきすい de-aired water/
退だったい(n,vs) secession/(P)/
だっしょくざい (n) decolorant/
だっきゃく(n,vs) ridding (freeing) oneself/
だつぼう(n,vs) removing one's hat/
だっしふんにゅう(n) skim milk/nonfat milk/
脱糞だっぷん(n) a bowel movement/
だっしゅう(n) deodorization/
だつぜい(n,vs) tax evasion/(P)/
だつもう(n,vs) hair removal/
だっぽうこういevasion of the law/
脱臼だっきゅう(n) dislocation/
綿だっしめん (n) absorbent cotton/
だついしょ (n) dressing room/bath house/(P)/
だっかい(n,vs) withdrawal (from membership of organization)/
だつごく(n,vs) prison breaking/jailbreak/
だっすいしょう (n) dehydration/
だっこくき (n) threshing machine/(P)/
脱ぐぬぐto take off clothes (shoes etc.)
だっし(n,vs) removal of fat/
稿だっこう(n,vs) finishing writing/completion of a manuscript/
脱兎のごとくだっとのごとく(oK) (adv) (at) high speed/
脱げるぬげる(v1) to come off/to slip down/to slip off/(P)/
脱するだっする(vs-s) to escape from/to get out/
だついじょ (n) dressing room/bath house/(P)/
だつりょく(n) exhaustion/draining of strength/
だつもうざい (n) depilatory/
だつりゅう(n,vs) desulfurization/
だつじきごうcaret (symbol for omitted word)/
だっそうへい deserter/
脱肛だっこう(n,vs) anal prolapse/
だつらく(n) loss/(P)/
だっちょう(adj-na,n) hernia/herniation/
だっぴ(n) shedding/molting/emergence/
だつもうしょう (n) alopecia/baldness/
だっとう(n) defection from or leaving a party/
だつい(n,vs) undressing/taking off one's clothes/(P)/
脱ぎてるぬぎすてる(v1) to fling/to throw off (clothes)/to kick off (boots)/