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Kanji: Radical: 肉、月 (にく、にくづき) : ヨウ; こし; waist
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3799 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1036
Japanese Reading English
こしぬけ(n) coward/
こしよわ(adj-na,n) bad back/spineless person/
こしぬの(n) loincloth/(P)/
こしかける(io) (v1) to sit (down)/
こしかけ(n) seat/bench/(P)/
こしあかつばめred-rumped swallow/
腰がこしがおもいslow to act/slow in starting work/
腰をろすこしをおろす(v5) to sit down/
こしだかしょうじtall-paneled sliding door/
ようかん(n) hips/
腰がこしがつよいfirm/flexible and hard to break/persevering/
腰かけるこしかける(v1) to sit (down)/
こしまき(n) kimono underskirt/
こしおれ(n) bowed/stooped over (e.g. old people)/poor poem/clumsy writing/
腰巾こしぎんちゃく(n) hanger-on/purse strapped round one's waist/
こしくだけ(n) losing one's balance/breaking down (e.g. in the middle of a bout)/weakening of one's attitude/
ようつう(n) pain in the hip/lumbago/
こしまき(n) loincloth/waistcloth/
こしいた(n) wooden paneling/
こしばり(n) wainscoting/sliding door's decorative paper skirt/
こしべんとう (n) lunchbox hanging from one's waist/low-paid office worker/
腰をおろすこしをおろす(v5) to sit down/
こしけ(n) mucous discharge from female genitals/
腰紐こしひも(n) cord tied around the waist of a kimono before an obi is tied/
腰椎ようつい(n) lumbar vertebrae/
こしあて(n) (a) bustle/
こしかけしごとtemporary employment/
こしゆ(n) sitting bath/
こしばめ (n) waist-high wainscoting/
こしがたな(n) short sword/
よういhip measurement/
腰 のこしのもの(n) sword worn at the waist/
こしだか(adj-na,n) overbearing/unstable wrestling stance/
ようぶ(n) loins/hips/pelvic region/waist/(P)/
こしぶとん (n) cushion worn round the waist for warmth/
こし(n) hip/(P)/
腰をえるこしをすえる(exp) to settle oneself (in a place)/
けるこしかける(v1) to sit (down)/(P)/
こしかけ(n) seat/bench/(P)/
こしなわ(n) leash/rope tied round prisoner's waists/
腰をめてこしをかがめてあるく (exp) to walk with a stoop/
こしなげ(n) hip throw in judo or sumo/
こしあげ(n) tuck at the waist/
こしぼね(n) hipbone/innominate bone/fortitude/
こしおび(n) waist towel/girdle/
こしべん(n) lunchbox hanging from one's waist/low-paid office worker/
こしあげtuck at the waist/
こしおれ(n) (pol) bad poem/my humble poem/
こしがき(n) waist-high fence/
こしもと(n) chamber maid/female servant/