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Kanji: Radical: 肉、月 (にく、にくづき) : フク; はら;
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3800 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1034
Japanese Reading English
ふくわらいbelly laugh/
はらだち(n) anger/
ふくへき(n) abdominal wall/
ふくしきこきゅう(n) abdominal breathing/
腹をめるはらをいためる(exp) to give birth to/to have a stomachache/
はらがけ(n) workman's apron/bib/
ふくじょうし (n) death during sexual intercourse/
ふくちゅう(n) within one/at heart/
ふくはい(n) back and front/opposition in the heart/
腹のまらないはらのむしがお さまらない(exp) cannot contain one's anger/
腹のわったはらのすわったおとこ man with plenty of guts/
はらすじ(n,vs) (1) sit-up/(2) abdominal muscles/
はらあて(n) (wearing a) bellyband/
はらこ(n) fish eggs/roe/
ふくきん(n,vs) (1) sit-up/(2) abdominal muscles/
腹がはらがゆるいhave loose bowels/
ふくまく(n) peritoneum/(P)/
腹のはらのむし(n) roundworm/
ふくたい(n) bellyband/maternity belt/
もりはらづもり(n) ready plan/intention/
はらつづみ(n) drumming on one's belly/having one's fill/
腹拵えはらごしらえ (n) having a meal/
ふっきんうんどう(n) exercise to strengthen one's abdominal muscles/
はらまき(n) breast-protector/stomach band/(P)/
ふっきん(n,vs) (1) sit-up/(2) abdominal muscles/
ふくぞう(n) reserving one's thoughts/
はらどけい (n) one's internal clock/
はらだちまぎれ (adj-na) fit of anger/
はらちがい(n) (brother and sister) born of a different mother/
はらくだし(n,vs) laxative/loose bowels/diarrhea/purgative/evacuant/
ふくつう(n) stomach ache/abdominal pain/
ったはらへった(col) I'm hungry/
腹腔ふくくう(n) abdominal cavity/
はら(n) abdomen/belly/stomach/(P)/
はらおび(n) bellyband/maternity belt/
はらぐろい(adj) mean/malicious/scheming/
たしいはらだたしい(adj) irritating/
はらもち(n) feeling of fullness/slow digestion/
ふくぶ(n) abdomen/
腹がはらがくだる(v5) to have loose bowels/
はらいっぱい (adv,n) bellyful/full stomach/to one's heart's content/(P)/
はらいせ(n) retaliation/revenge/
腹をかすはらをすかす(exp) to be hungry/
腹腔ふくこ(n) abdominal cavity/
腹イセはらイセ(n) retaliation/revenge/
ふくまくえん (n) peritonitis/(P)/
腹腔ふっこ(n) abdominal cavity/
腹穢いはらぎたない(adj) black-hearted/nasty/
ふくそくるい (n) gastropods/