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Kanji: Radical: (しん) : リン; のぞ(む); attend
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3840 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1630
Japanese Reading English
リンピョウトウシャカイ ジンレツザイゼンnine cuts mudra/exorcism-purification spell/
りんしょうこうぎclinic/clinical lecture/
りんしょうしけんclinical study/
りんしょうじんもんclinical examination/
りんげつ(n) the last month of pregnancy/
りんじゅう(n,vs) deathbed/dying hour/(P)/
りんかい(n) critical (pressure, temperature, state, point)/
りんしょ(n) writing (from a copy)/
りんかい(n) coastal/seaside/
りんじこっかいextraordinary session of the Diet/
りんじせいふprovisional government/
りんこうせん (n) harbor railroad/
りんけん(n) on-the-spot investigation or inspection/raid/
りんこう(n) emperor's visit/
りんじょうかん (n) presence/
りんきゅう(n) special holiday/
臨むのぞむ(v5m) to look out on/to face/to deal with/to attend (function)/(P)/
りんじやとい temporary employment or employee/
りんじぞうかん(n) extra (special) issue (e.g. of a magazine)/
りんこう(adj-no,n) facing (along) the harbor/
りんぎょ(n) emperor's visit/
りんじ(n) temporary/special/extraordinary/(P)/
りんじきごう(musical) accidental/
りんしょうしんりがく (n) clinical psychology/
りんしょうい (n) clinician/
りんきもくひょうtarget of opportunity/
りんじょう(n) visit/presence/attendance/
りんじひ (n) incidental expenses/
りんしょう(n) clinical pathology/(P)/
りんせん(n) preparing for action or battle/
りんじれっしゃspecial train/
りんかいがっこうseaside school/
りんせき(n,vs) attendance/presence/(P)/
りんしょういがくclinical medicine/
りんきおうへん(n) adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment/playing it by ear/
りんかいてん critical point (temperature)/
りんかいじこcriticality (accident) in the nuclear industry/
りんき(n) expedient/
りんしゃ(n) copying/