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Kanji: Radical: (みずから) : ジ、シ; みずか(ら); self
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3841 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3525
Japanese Reading English
しぜんび natural beauty/
じぶんじしん oneSELF!/
じみんとうそくrules of the Liberal Democratic Party/
じせい(n,vs) growing wild (naturally)/native/
自惚れるうぬぼれる(v1) to be conceited/(P)/
じえい(n) self-defense/(P)/
じえいぎょう (n) independent business/(P)/
データじどうデータしょりautomatic data processing/ADP/
しぜんし (n) (dying of) natural causes/
じしゅうじかんstudy time/
じどうせいぎょautomatic control/
じこけんじよく person who craves the limelight/
じぶんのために for oneself/for one's own sake/
じしん(n) by oneself/personally/(P)/
じしゅてき (adj-na) independent/autonomous/(P)/
じかやくろうちゅうのも のcomplete mastery of or over/at one's beck and call/
めるじぶんできめる to decide by oneself/
じてんしゃ bicycle
じこく(n) one's own country/(P)/
しぜんかがくnatural science/(P)/
じどうしゃそんがいばい しょうせきにんほけんmandatory vehicle liability insurance/
自儘じまま(n) selfish(ness)/
じせき(n) one's seat/one's desk/
しぜんのいきおい force of circumstances/
じはん(n) (abbr) automobile sales/
じちょ(n) one's own literary work/
貿じゆうぼうえきfree trade/(P)/
しぜんすう (n) natural number/nonnegative integer/
自らのみずからのてでwith one's own hands/(P)/
じてんしゃおきば place for storing bicycles/
なるきゃくじゆうなるろん きゃくfreelance journalist/
じゆうきょうそうfree competition/
じせき(n) self-condemnation/(P)/
じでん(n) autobiography/
じけい(n) giving warning oneself/
じせん(n) (author) selection/
しぜんはかい(n) destruction of nature/
しぜんのふところ bosom of Nature/
じゆうとう Liberal Party/
しぜんぞうしゅうnatural or automatic increase in revenue/
自ずからおのずから(adv) naturally/as a matter of course/(P)/
じはつ(n) spontaneous/
じどうてき (adj-na,n) automatic/
しぜんなせい natural gender/
じふしん (n) pride/self-confidence/
じにん(n,vs) self-appointment/pretension/
じた(n) oneself and others/transitive and intransitive/(P)/
じみん(abbr) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP/