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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : コウ、キョウ; おこ(る)、おこ(す); amusement
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 615 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2909
Japanese Reading English
こうぎょうせいせき(n) box-office record/
こうぎょうし (n) showman/show manager/
きょうみがうすい uninteresting/
きょうみしんしん (adj-na,n) very interesting/of absorbing interest/of great interest/
きょうみしんしん(adj-na,n) very interesting/of absorbing interest/of great interest/(P)/
こうぎょう(n) entertainment industry/show business/(P)/
きょうみ(n) interest (in something)/(P)/
こうぎょうかい (n) entertainment world/
こうぎょう(n) industrial enterprise/(P)/
きょうしゅ(n) interest (in something)/
こうはい(n) rise and fall (of nations)/destiny/
こうぎょうか (vs) staging or filming a story/
こうしんじょ (n) detective agency/(P)/
こうしんろく (n) directory/
興ずるきょうずる(v5z) to amuse oneself/to make merry/
興じるきょうじる(v1) to amuse oneself/to make merry/
たるきょうみしんしんたる(adj-t) of great interest/
きょうみほんい(adj-na,adj-no,n) popular (literature, etc.)/
興醒しきょうざまし(adj-na,n) kill-joy/wet blanket/
こうりゅう(n) rise/prosperity/(P)/
興醒めきょうざめ(adj-na,n) kill-joy/wet blanket/
こうふんざい stimulant/
興をますきょうをさます(exp) to be a wet-blanket/to spoil a person's pleasure/
こうこく(n,vs) making a country prosperous/prosperous country/
こうあ(n) Asia development/
興醒ましきょうざまし(adj-na,n) spoiling the fun/a wet blanket/
こうぎょうけん (n) promotional or production rights/
きょうざめskeleton at the feast/being wet-blanketed/
こうふん(n,vs) excitement/stimulation/agitation/arousal/(P)/
興るおこる(v5r) to rise/to flourish/(P)/
こうたいrise and fall (of nations)/
きょうみぶかい (adj) very interesting/of great interest/(P)/
興すおこす(v5s) to revive/to retrieve (fortunes)/to raise up/(P)/
こうはい(n) rise and fall (of nations)/destiny/
こうぎょうぎんこうindustrial bank/
こうぼう(n) rise and fall/ups and downs/
興醒めるきょうざめる(v1) to lose interest/
きょう(n) interest/entertainment/pleasure/(P)/
こう(n) interest/entertainment/pleasure/(P)/
こうき(n) rise/ascendency/aroused energy/high-spirited action/
興がるきょうがる(v5r) to be amused or interested in/
こうぎょうぬし showman/promoter/producer/
興がきょうがある(exp) to be fun/to be interesting/