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Kanji: Radical: (ます) : ; ま(う)、まい; dance
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3862 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2146
Japanese Reading English
ぶたいこうかstage effects/
ぶとう(n) dancing/(P)/
ぶたい(n) stage (theatre)/(P)/
ぶとうかい (n) ball/dance/(P)/
ぶたいそうちstage setting/
ぶとうきょく dance music/
舞妓まいこ(n) (Kyoto) dancing girl/
舞いまいこむ(v5m) to drop in/to happen to/
まいこ(n) apprentice geisha/dancing girl/
の袖ぶたいのさゆうのそでwings of a stage/
ぶたいはいゆうstage actor or actress/
けるぶたいにかける (exp) to put on stage/
ぶとうぐつ dancing shoes/
舞を舞うまいをまう(exp) to dance/to perform a dance/
舞蹈ぶとう(n) dancing/
舞いめるまいおさめる(v1) to conclude a dance/to dance the last dance/
ぶたいうら (n) offstage/
ぶたいがかり stagehand/
ぶよう(n) dancing/dance/(P)/
ぶとうだん (n) dance troupe/
舞いりるまいおりる(v1) to swoop down upon/to fly down/to alight/
ぶようげき (n) dance drama/
ぶたいどうぐset piece/
ぶたいかんとくstage director/
まいおうぎ(n) dancer's fan/(P)/
舞いがるまいあがる(v5r) to soar/to fly high/to be whirled up/
ぶとうきょうしdance instructor/
まいひめ(n) (temple) dance/(P)/
ぶたいげいこ dress rehearsal/
ぶたいせいかつstage career/
舞う まう(v5u,vi) to dance/to flutter about/to revolve/(P)/
ぶたいどきょうon-stage composure/
ぶがく(n) court dance and music/(P)/
ぶきょく(n) musical dance/music and dancing/
舞いまいおどる(v5) to dance/
ぶたいしょうめいstage lighting/
ぶたいげいじゅつperforming arts/
舞 いまいおどる(v5) to dance/
ぶたいびらき formal opening of a new theater/
ぶたいげき (n) stage play/
ぶとうしつ ball room/dance room/
ぶとうか (n) dancer/dancing master (mistress)/
舞舞まいまい(n) snail/
ぶたいいしょう(theatrical) costumes/
ぶたいまけ stage fright/
ぶとうびょう (n) chorea/St. Vitus's dance/
ぶがくめん (n) mask worn by a bugaku dancer/
舞いまいもどる(v5r) to come back/
舞茸まいたけ(n) fan-shaped kinoku (mushroom) with multiple layers/
ぶたいちゅうけいtelevised broadcast of a stage performance/