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Kanji: Radical: (ふね) : セン; ふね; ship, boat
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3873 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1341
Japanese Reading English
せんそくわたし free alongside ship (FAS)/
ふなぬし(n) shipowner/
ふなごや (n) boathouse/
せんたい(n) hull/
ふなに(n) cargo/freight/
便ふなびんsea mail
せんえい(n) signs of a ship/
ふなで(n) setting sail/putting out to sea/
船にせるふねにかもつをのせる(exp) to load a ship with cargo/
船をふねをひく(exp) to tow a boat/
ふなゆうれい (n) marine spirits/
ふなぐ(n) ship's fittings or rigging/
せんけい(n) type of vessel/design of a ship/
せんどう(n) boatman/
ふなつきば (n) harbour/landing place/wharf/
せんそう(n) porthole/
ふなよい(n) seasickness/(P)/
船をふねをやとう(exp) to hire a boat/
ふなたび(n) trip by boat/(P)/
せんだい(n) (shipbuilding) berth/
せんだん(n) (naval) fleet/
船渠せんきょ(n) a dock/
便ふなびん(n) surface mail (ship)/(P)/
せんれい(n) age of a vessel/
ふなまち(n) waiting for a ship to depart/
ふなべり(n) side of a boat/
ふなにしょうけんbill of lading/
船を ふねをつくる(exp) to build a ship/
ふなだま(n) guardian deity of a ship/
ふなづみ(n) lading/shipment/
ふなだいく (n) shipwright/
ふなどめ(n) preventing a ship from passing or from leaving port/
ふなかた(n) boatman/
せんい(n) ship's doctor/
ふないたべい (n) fence made from disused ship planks/
ふなむし(n) sea slater/sea louse/
せんぐ(n) ship's fittings or rigging/
ふなうた(n) sailor's song/chantey/
かりふながかり(n) anchorage/a moorage/
せんちょう(n) ship's captain/(P)/
せんてい(n) ship's bottom/bilge/
船艙せんそう(n) hold (of a ship)/hatch/
ふなちん(n) passage/fare/shipping charges/
ふなあそび(n) boating/sailing/
せんせき(n) ship's nationality/ship's country of registration/
せんそく(n) side of a ship/
せんしつ(n) stateroom/cabin/(P)/
ふなじ(n) sea route/voyage/
せんぱく(n) ship/(P)/