船側渡し | せんそくわたし
| free alongside ship (FAS)/ |
船主 | ふなぬし | (n) shipowner/ |
小屋 | ふなごや
| (n) boathouse/ |
船体 | せんたい | (n) hull/ |
船荷 | ふなに | (n) cargo/freight/ |
船便 | ふなびん | sea mail |
船影 | せんえい | (n) signs of a ship/ |
船出 | ふなで | (n) setting sail/putting out to sea/ |
船 | ふね | ship |
船に貨物を載せる | ふねにかもつをのせる | (exp) to load a ship with cargo/ |
船を引く | ふねをひく | (exp) to tow a boat/ |
船幽霊 | ふなゆうれい
| (n) marine spirits/ |
船具 | ふなぐ | (n) ship's fittings or rigging/ |
船型 | せんけい | (n) type of vessel/design of a ship/ |
船頭 | せんどう | (n) boatman/ |
船着き場 | ふなつきば
| (n) harbour/landing place/wharf/ |
船窓 | せんそう | (n) porthole/ |
船酔い | ふなよい | (n) seasickness/(P)/ |
船を雇う | ふねをやとう | (exp) to hire a boat/ |
船旅 | ふなたび | (n) trip by boat/(P)/ |
船台 | せんだい | (n) (shipbuilding) berth/ |
船団 | せんだん | (n) (naval) fleet/ |
船渠 | せんきょ | (n) a dock/ |
船便 | ふなびん | (n) surface mail (ship)/(P)/ |
船齢 | せんれい | (n) age of a vessel/ |
船待ち | ふなまち | (n) waiting for a ship to depart/ |
船縁 | ふなべり | (n) side of a boat/ |
船荷証券 | ふなにしょうけん | bill of lading/ |
造る | ふねをつくる | (exp) to build a ship/ |
船霊 | ふなだま | (n) guardian deity of a ship/ |
船積み | ふなづみ | (n) lading/shipment/ |
船大工 | ふなだいく
| (n) shipwright/ |
船留め | ふなどめ | (n) preventing a ship from passing or from leaving
port/ |
船方 | ふなかた | (n) boatman/ |
船医 | せんい | (n) ship's doctor/ |
船板塀 | ふないたべい
| (n) fence made from disused ship
planks/ |
船虫 | ふなむし | (n) sea slater/sea louse/ |
船具 | せんぐ | (n) ship's fittings or rigging/ |
船歌 | ふなうた | (n) sailor's song/chantey/ |
船掛かり | ふながかり | (n) anchorage/a moorage/ |
船長 | せんちょう | (n) ship's captain/(P)/ |
船底 | せんてい | (n) ship's bottom/bilge/ |
船艙 | せんそう | (n) hold (of a ship)/hatch/ |
船賃 | ふなちん | (n) passage/fare/shipping charges/ |
船遊び | ふなあそび | (n) boating/sailing/ |
船籍 | せんせき | (n) ship's nationality/ship's country of
registration/ |
船側 | せんそく | (n) side of a ship/ |
船室 | せんしつ | (n) stateroom/cabin/(P)/ |
船路 | ふなじ | (n) sea route/voyage/ |
船舶 | せんぱく | (n) ship/(P)/ |