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Kanji: Radical: (いろ) : ショク、シキ; いろ; color
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3889 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2029
Japanese Reading English
いろしゅうさ (n) chromatic aberration/
しきそさいぼうpigment cell/
しきま(n) masher/horny/
いろおんな(n) concubine/
いろごのみ(n) sensuality/lechery/
しきそくぜくう(n) Matter is void/All is vanity/
いろごとし (n) lady-killer/
しきたく(n) (rare) luster and color/
しきしん(n) sense of color/
しきしa square piece of high quality paperboard (for writing poems or painting pictures)
色をいろをうしなう(exp) to turn pale/to lose color/
いろめがねでみる(v1) to look at things from a biased viewpoint/
しきよく(n) lust/
いろえんぴつ (n) color pencil/
いろぞめ(n) dyeing/
しきじょう(n) sexual passion/lust/
いろきちがい (n) erotomania/sexual obsession/sexual maniac/
しきじょうきょう (n) sex mania/
しきかん(n) sense of color/
いろもの(n) colored clothing or fabrics/
しきそたい (n) chromatophore/
いろよい(adj-pn) favorable/friendly/encouraging/
いろぶみ(n) love letter/
いろがみ(n) coloured paper/(P)/
いろわけ(n,vs) classification/
いろなおし(n) redyeing (costume)/
いろえ(n) (a) painting/
いろずり(n) (three) colour printing/
調しきちょう(n) color tone/
いろめ(n) amorous glance/
いろいと(n) colored thread/
色めくいろめく(v5k) to colour/to be tinged/to brighten/to grow lively/to become excited/to be stirred/
いろざと(n) red-light district/
いろか(n) colour and scent/loveliness/charm/(P)/
いろあげ(n) redyeing/
いろめがね (n) rose-colored glasses/
沙汰いろこいざたlove affair/
色めき いろめきたつ(v5t) to become excited/
色をいろをぬる(exp) to daub/to paint/
しきさい(n) colour/hue/tints/(P)/
色艶いろつや(n) colour and lustre/complexion/colour/
しきかく(n) sense of color/
いろけ(n) interest in the opposite sex/sex appeal/glamor/a shade of colour/colouring/sexual passion/romance/poetry/desire/seductiveness/charm/sensuality/
いろごと(n) love affair/sensual pleasures/
調しきさいちょうせつcolor control/
色っぽ いいろっぽい(adj) amorous/sexy/voluptuous/erotic/
いろがら(n) colored pattern/
いろこい(n) sensual love/love affair/
いろづけ(n) coloring/adding color/
色褪せるいろあせる(v1) to fade/to grow stale/to grow dull in color/