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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : ; ; load
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3956 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2282
Japanese Reading English
めるにもつをつめる (v1) to pack one's things/
におくり(n) consignment/
におくり(n) consignment/
にあげば landing place/
荷がにがかつ(exp) to be unequal to the burden (job)/to be too heavy a load for/
にづくり(n,vs) packing/baling/crating/(P)/
にくずれ(n) collapsing load (as on lorries)/(P)/
にうけにん (n) consignee/
にえき(n) handling cargo/loading and unloading/
になわ(n) packing cord/
にばしゃ (n) wagon/dray/cart/
荷拵えにごしらえ(n) packing/
にあげりょう landing charges/
にぐるま(n) cart/wagon/
にだい(n) (truck) load-carrying tray/(bicycle) luggage carrier/roof rack/
荷なうになう(v5u) to carry on shoulder/to bear (burden)/to shoulder (gun)/
にぬし(n) shipper/
かでん(n) electric charge/
かじゅう(n) load/weight/
にうごき(n) movement of goods/
かでんりゅうしa charged particle/
にもつ(n) luggage/(P)/
にあし(n) sale/ballast/lading/
にぶね(n) freighter/lighter/
にうけ(n) receipt of goods/
にわたしdelivery of freight or goods/
にあげ(n) unloading/landing/(P)/
にふだ(n) label/tag/(P)/
にやく(n) handling cargo/loading and unloading/
にづみ(n) loading/
にだ(n) pack/horseload/
にづくり(n,vs) packing/baling/crating/(P)/
かようlotus leaf/
にわたしさしずしょ delivery order/
荷をろすにをおろす(exp) to take a load off/
荷鞍にぐら(n) packsaddle/
にあつかい(n) handling of freight/
におくりにん (n) consignor/
にやっかい (adj-na,n) encumbrance/
かたん(n) support/participation/assistance/complicity/conspiracy/
(n) load/baggage/cargo/(P)/
にがわせ (n) documentary bill/bill of exchange/
にうま(n) pack horse/
荷捌 にさばき(n) sale/disposal of goods/
荷捌きにさばき(n) sale/disposal of goods/
にづみ(n) loading/
にたりぶね a barge/a lighter/