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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : ソウ; ほうむ(る); funeral
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4000 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2320
Japanese Reading English
そうれつ(n) funeral procession/(P)/
そうさい(n) funerals and ceremonial occasions/
そうれい(n) funeral/
そうぎしゃ (n) undertaker's/
そうぎじょう funeral home/
そうぐ(n) funeral items/
そうぎや (n) undertaker's/
そうそうきょく funeral march/
葬りほうむりさる(v5r) to consign to oblivion/
そうそう(n) attendance at a funeral/
そうぎしき funeral ceremony/wake/(P)/
葬るほうむる(v5r) to bury/to inter/to entomb/to consign to oblivion/to shelve/(P)/
そうしき(n) funeral/(P)/
葬 のそうのれつfuneral procession/
そうぎ(n) funeral service/(P)/
そうそうこうしんきょく funeral journey (march)/