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Kanji: Radical: (くさ) : ヤク; くすり; drug
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4074 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2375
Japanese Reading English
薬鑵やかんあたま(n) bald head/
やっこう(n) efficacy of a drug or medicine/
薬罐をけるやかんをかける(exp) to put a kettle on (the stove)/
やくそう(n) medicinal plants/
やくざいし (n) chemist/pharmacist/(P)/
やくゆ(ik) (n) medicated bath/
やくようしゅ (n) alcoholic beverage for medicinal purposes/
やくざい(n) medicine/drug/(P)/
やくしゅ(n) drugs/
やっか(n) NHI (National Health Insurance) drug price/
薬籠やくろうmedicine chest (container)/
やくり(n) effects of drugs/
やくほう(n) prescription/
薬鑵やかん(n) kettle/
やっきょくほう (n) pharmacopeia/
やくじほう (n) (Japan's) Pharmaceutical Affairs Law/
やくようしょくぶつmedicinal plants or herbs/
やくさつ(n) (killing by) poison/
薬になるくすりになる(exp) to be beneficial (to)/to do (a person) good/
やくりさよう(n) medicinal action/
やくえき(n) liquid medicine/
やくしゅ(n) alcoholic beverage for medicinal purposes/
くすりゆ(n) medicated bath/
くすり(n) medicine/(P)/
やくひんがいしゃpharmaceutical company/
薬をくすりをあつかう(exp) to deal in medicines/
やっきょく(n) pharmacy/drugstore/(P)/
薬をけるくすりをつける(exp) to apply medicine/
薬罐やかんあたま(n) bald head/
やくえん(n) medicinal-herb garden/
やくがく(n) pharmacy/pharmaceutics/(P)/
薬をえるくすりをのみちがえ る(exp) to take the wrong medicine/
くすりぐい(n) winter-time practice of eating meat of animals such as boar and deer to ward off cold/
やくれい(n) medical fee/
やくがい(n) harmful side effects of a medicine or drug/
薬のくすりのしろcost of medicine/
やくどく(n) poison in medicine/
薬をわせるくすりをあわせる(exp) to compound a medicine/
やくほうし (n) paper for wrapping powdered medicine/
やくりがく (n) pharmacology/
くすだま(n) ornamental scent bag/decorative paper ball/
やくせきこうなく(adv) no medical treatment having proved effective/
やくほ(n) drugstore/pharmacy/
薬餌やくじりょうほう treatment by medicine and diet/
くすりや(n) pharmacy/chemist/(P)/
やかん(n) kettle/(P)/
薬餌 やくじ(n) medicine/drugs/
薬罐やかん(n) kettle/