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Kanji: Radical: (とらかんむり) : キョ、コ; むな(しい); empty
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4109 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3237
Japanese Reading English
きょむてき (adj-na) nihilistic/
きょぞう(n) virtual image/pretense/
虚虚きょきょじつじつ (n) wit matching wit/a match between persons equal in shrewdness mobilizing all the tricks each can muster/
虚々きょきょじつじつ(n) wit matching wit/a match between persons equal in shrewdness mobilizing all the tricks each can muster/
きょこん(n) imaginary root (in mathematics)/
こけざる (n) foolish monkey/
きょじゃくじ (n) physically weak or sickly child/
虚ろなうつろなめvacant eyes/
虚をててきょをすててじつをとる(exp) to discard the shadow for the substance/
きょもう(n) falsehood/untruth/delusion/
きょぎ(n) untrue/falsehood/fiction/vanity/(P)/
きょげん(n) falsehood/
きょせつ(n) groundless rumor/
虚しくなるむなしくなる(v5r) to expire/to die/
虚をきょをつく(exp) to attack the enemy in his unguarded moment/
きょせい(n) bluff/
虚虚きょきょじつじつのたたかいmatch between persons equal in shrewdness/
虚しくむなしく(v5) in vain/to no purpose/fruitlessly/
虚しいむなしい(adj) vacant/futile/vain/void/empty/ineffective/lifeless/
こくう(n) empty space/empty sky/(P)/
こむそう (n) mendicant Zen priest of the Fuke sect (wearing a sedge hood and playing a shakuhachi flute)/
きょしょく(n) ostentation/show/affectation/
きょじ(n) falsehood/
きょむとう (n) the Nihilists/
こけおどし (n) bluff/showing off/
きょだつかん (n) despondency/
きょえい(n) vanity/vainglory/(P)/
きょすうたんい(n) imaginary unit/
きょしんたんかい (n) with an open and calm mind/with no preconceived notions/without reserve/frank/
きょえいしん (n) vanity/(P)/
虚しいむなしいめいせい empty name/
きょほう(n) false alarm/
こけ(n) folly/fool/
きょれい(n) empty (useless) formalities/
きょじゃく(adj-na,n) feebleness/weakness/imbecility/(P)/
きょたん(n) exaggerated talk/
こくうぞう Akasagarbha (bodhisattva)/the Receptacle of Void/
きょぶん(n) false rumor/false reputation/
きょだつ(n) prostration/
きょしきimaginary expression/
きょこう(adj-no,n) fictitious (imaginary) thing/(P)/
きょじつ(n) truth or falsehood/
きょむ(n) nihility/nothingness/(P)/
きょい(n) nominal rank/
虚ろうつろ(adj-na,n) blank/cavity/hollow/empty (space)/
きょじ(n) kanji representing verb or adjective/
きょしん(adj-na,n) impartiality/(P)/
きょじゃくたいしつweak constitution/