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Kanji: Radical: (むし) : チュウ; むし; insect
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4115 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3530
Japanese Reading English
むしおくり(n) torch procession to drive away crop-eating insects/
虫のいいむしのいい(exp) selfish/
虫籠むしかご(n) insect cage/
虫のらせむしのしらせ(exp,n) foreboding/
ちゅうばいか (n) entomophilous flower/
むしうり(n) insect peddler/
むしば(n) cavity/tooth decay/decayed tooth/caries/(P)/
ちゅうすいえん (n) appendicitis/
虫をむしをころす(exp,v5) to control one's temper/
むしばむ(v5m) to eat into (e.g. by worms)/to spoil/to ruin/to undermine/
むしくいば (n) a decayed tooth/
虫螻むしけら(n) worm/insect/
むしくだし(n) deworming medicine/
ちゅうようとっきえん appendicitis/
むし(n) insect/(P)/
虫が むしがいいasking too much/selfish/
虫のむしのいどころがわるい(exp) be in a bad mood/
むしずがはしる (exp) to be disgusted/wouldn't touch with a pair of tongs/
虫もさぬむしもころさぬ(exp) innocent-looking/looking as though butter would not melt in the mouth/
むしおさえ(n) children's medicine for nervousness/snack for an empty stomach/
むしよけ(n) insecticide/insect repellent/
むしず(n) heartburn/
ちゅうすい(n) (vermiform) appendix/(P)/
虫のむしのいき(exp,n) faint breath/at death's door/
虫がらせるむしがしらせる(exp,v1) to forebode/to have a presentiment/
むしくい(n) worm-eaten/
むしばら(n) stomach pain due to worms/
虫がいいむしがいい(exp) selfish/
むしぐすり(n) children's medicine for nervousness/
むしふうじ(n) incantation to rid a child of worms/
むしぼし(n) airing out/
虫が むしがつく(exp) to become verminous/to be infested with insects/to begin to keep bad company/to have an (unfavorable) lover/
ちゅうがい(n) insect damage/
むしめがね (n) magnifying glass/
ちゅうるい(n) worms and insects/
むしinsect, bug
むしけ(n) nervous weakness/
虫喰いむしくい(n) worm-eaten/