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Kanji: Radical: () : シュウ、シュ; ; multitude
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4210 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2683
Japanese Reading English
衆にんじるしゅうにさきんじる(exp) to go ahead of the crowd/
しゅうい(n) public opinion/
しゅうた(n) multitude/great numbers/
しゅうぎいんぎいん member of the Lower House/
しゅうち(n) the wisdom of the many/
しゅうろん(n) public opinion/
しゅうか(n) the many and the few/
しゅうと(n) many priests/(Heian era) monk-soldiers/
しゅうさんりょういんboth houses of Parliament (Diet)/
しゅうぎいん (n) Lower House/House of Representatives/(P)/
しゅうひょう(n) public opinion/
しゅうぐ(n) the vulgar masses/
しゅうじんかんし(in) the presence of the whole company/with all eyes filed upon (one)/
しゅと(n) many (Buddhist) priests/(Heian era) monk-soldiers/
しゅういん(n) lower house of the Diet/
しゅうぎいんぎちょう speaker of the Lower House/
衆智しゅうち(n) the wisdom of the many/
しゅうじん(n) the people/the public/
しゅじょう(n) living things/the people/
しゅうぎ(n) mass meeting/
しゅうぐせいじ(n) mobocracy/mob rule/ochlocracy/
しゅうぼう(n) public confidence/popular support/
しゅうしょ(n) the masses/common people/
しゅう(n) masses/great number/the people/(P)/
しゅうせつ(n) various theories/
しゅうもく(n) all eyes/public attention/
しゅぐせいじ(n) mobocracy/mob rule/ochlocracy/
しゅうぎいっけつdeciding unanimously or by consensus/