衰死 | すいし | (n,vs) becoming emaciated and die/wither away/ |
衰亡 | すいぼう | (n) ruin/downfall/collapse/(P)/ |
衰滅 | すいめつ | (n) decline/downfall/ruin(ation)/ |
衰耗 | すいもう | (vs) weaken and decline/ |
衰世 | すいせい | (n) this decadent world/ |
衰え果てる | おとろえはてる | (v1) to be utterly spent or crushed/ |
衰微 | すいび | (n) decline/decadence/ebb tide/(P)/ |
衰態 | すいたい | (n) weakening/decline/ |
衰替 | すいたい | (vs) declining/weaken/ |
衰退 | すいたい | (n,vs) decline/decay/ |
衰幣 | すいへい | decline/ |
衰兆 | すいちょう | signs of decline/ |
衰弱 | すいじゃく | (n)
weakness/debility/breakdown/prostration/(P)/ |
衰躯 | すいく | (n) emaciated body/ |
衰え | おとろえ | (n) weakening/emaciation/decline/ |
衰える | おとろえる | (v1) to become weak/to decline/to wear/to abate/to
decay/to wither/to waste away/(P)/ |
| すいたい | (n)
decline/decadence/waning/ebb tide/ |
衰残 | すいざん | (adj-na,n) emaciated/worn out/ |
衰運 | すいうん | (n) declining fortunes/decadence/ |
衰勢 | すいせい | (n) downward tendency/decay/decline/ |
衰色 | すいしょく | (n) fading color/fading beauty/ |