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Kanji: Radical: (ころも) : サイ; た(つ)、さば(く); judge
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 788 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3299
Japanese Reading English
裁ち屑たちくず(n) cuttings/scraps/
さい(n-suf) judge/
さいばんかんきひ challenging a judge/
さいほうし tailor/seamstress/
裁くさばく(v5k) to judge/(P)/
裁ちたちいた(n) tailor's cutting board/
裁ちたちわる(v5r) to cut open/to cut apart/to divide/
さいばんしょ (n) court/courthouse/(P)/
さいほう(n) sewing/(P)/
さいばんちょう (n) presiding judge/
裁ちたちだすto cut out (a dress) from cloth/
さいきょ(n) sanction/approval/
せいてい(n) decision/ruling/award/arbitration/
さいけつしょ written verdict/
さいばんにん judge/
さいりょう(n,vs) admeasure/discretion/
さいばんかん (n) judge/
さいか(n) sanction/approval/
裁ちたちもの(n) cutting (cloth or paper)/
さいばん(n,vs) trial/judgement/(P)/
沙汰さいばんざたlaw suit/litigation/
裁ちけるたちかける(v1) to begin to cut/
裁つたつ(v5t) to cut (cloth)/(P)/
さいてい(n) decision/ruling/award/arbitration/
裁ちがりたちあがり(n) (tailor's) cutting/styling/
さいばんじょう (adj-na) judicial/
さいだん(n,vs) cutting (cloth)/
さいけつ(n) decision/ruling/judgement/(P)/
裁ち庖たちぼうちょう(n) tailor's knife/
裁ちたちかた(n) cutting/cut/
さいだんし (tailor's) cutter/
裁きさばき(n) tribunal/judgment/decision/verdict/
裁きのさばきのにわlaw court/
さいばんけん (n) jurisdiction/
裁ちたちぬい(n) cutting and sewing/
裁ちたちきる(v5r) to cut (cloth)/
裁ちたちぬう(v5u) to cut and sew/