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Kanji: Radical: (ころも) : ; はだか; naked
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4248 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1211
Japanese Reading English
はだかうま(n) unsaddled horse/(P)/
はだかまいり(n) visiting a shrine naked in winter/
らたい(n) nudity/
はだかでんきゅう (n) naked light bulb/
はだかむぎ(n) rye/
はだかいっかんのひとperson with no property but his (her) own body/
らぞう(n) nude statue/
らふ(n) nude woman/naked woman/(P)/
らたいが (n) nude (picture)/(P)/
はだか(adj-no,n) naked/nude/bare/(P)/
らしん(n) naked (body)/
裸になるはだかになる(v5) to take off one's clothes/to undress/
はだかいっかん (n) without any means/reduced to naked personal merit/(P)/
はだかせん(n) uninsulated electrical wire/
らししょくぶつ(n) gymnospermous plant/
裸のはだかのしつりょう bare mass (physics)/
らしゅつ(n) exposure/
はだし(n) barefoot/(P)/
らふが a nude (painting)/
はだかむし(n) caterpillar/person with scanty supply of clothes/
らがん(n) naked eye/