裸馬 | はだかうま | (n) unsaddled horse/(P)/ |
裸参り | はだかまいり | (n) visiting a shrine naked in winter/ |
裸体 | らたい | (n) nudity/ |
裸電球 | はだかでんきゅう
| (n) naked light bulb/ |
裸麦 | はだかむぎ | (n) rye/ |
裸一貫の人 | はだかいっかんのひと | person with no property but his (her) own
body/ |
裸像 | らぞう | (n) nude statue/ |
婦 | らふ | (n) nude woman/naked woman/(P)/ |
裸体画 | らたいが
| (n) nude (picture)/(P)/ |
裸 | はだか | (adj-no,n) naked/nude/bare/(P)/ |
裸身 | らしん | (n) naked (body)/ |
裸になる | はだかになる | (v5) to take off one's clothes/to undress/ |
裸一貫 | はだかいっかん
| (n) without any means/reduced to naked personal
merit/(P)/ |
裸線 | はだかせん | (n) uninsulated electrical wire/ |
裸体主義 | らたいしゅぎ | nudism/ |
裸子植物 | らししょくぶつ | (n) gymnospermous plant/ |
裸の質量 | はだかのしつりょう
| bare mass (physics)/ |
裸出 | らしゅつ | (n) exposure/ |
裸足 | はだし | (n) barefoot/(P)/ |
裸婦画 | らふが
| a nude (painting)/ |
裸虫 | はだかむし | (n) caterpillar/person with scanty supply of
clothes/ |
裸眼 | らがん | (n) naked eye/ |