見通し | みとおし | (n) perspective/unobstructed
view/outlook/forecast/prospect/insight/(P)/ |
見遣る | みやる | (v5r) to look at/ |
見損う | みそこなう | (v5u) to misjudge/to mistake/to miss
seeing/(P)/ |
見誤る | みあやまる | (v5r) to mistake s'one for s'one else/to
misread/ |
見ず知らず | みずしらず | (adj-no,exp,n) strange/(P)/ |
見劣りがする | みおとりがする | it compares unfavorably (poorly) with/it is not so good
as/ |
見回す | みまわす | (v5s) to look around/ |
見離す | みはなす | (v5s) to abandon/to give up/ |
見得 | みえ | (n) pose/posture/ |
見せ場 | みせば | (n) highlight scene (of play)/ |
見悪い | みにくい | (adj) hard to see/ |
見出し語 | みだしご
| title word/keyword/entry word/ |
見る目 | みるめ | (n) a discerning eye/ |
見様見真似 | みようみまね | (exp,n) learn by watching others/ |
見覚える | みおぼえる | (v1) to remember/to recollect/to recognize/ |
見物 | けんぶつ | sightseeing |
見舞い客 | みまいきゃく
| (n) a visitor to a sick or distressed
person/ |
見事 | みごと | (adj-na,n)
splendid/magnificent/beautiful/admirable/(P)/ |
見本組み | みほんぐみ
| specimen page/ |
見解 | けんかい | (n) opinion/point of view/(P)/ |
見捨てて去る | みすててさる
| (v5) to leave behind/ |
見落とし | みおとし | (n) thing left unnoticed/oversight/ |
見果てる | みはてる | (v1) to see through to the finish/to be seen to the
end/ |
見え透く | みえすく | (v5k) to be transparent/ |
見咎める | みとがめる | (v1) to find fault with/to question/ |
見比べる | みくらべる | (v1) to compare with the eye/(P)/ |
見附る | みつける | (v1) to be familiar/to discover/to find fault/to
detect/to find out/to locate/ |
見納め | みおさめ | (n) last (farewell) look/ |
見聞き | みきき | (n) information/experience/observation/ |
見開き | みひらき | (n) two pages opposite each other/ |
見積もり | みつもり | (n) estimation/quotation/(P)/ |
見守る | みまもる | (v5r) to watch over/to watch attentively/(P)/ |
見応え | みごたえ | (n) worth seeing/impressive/ |
見交わす | みかわす | (v5s) to exchange glances/ |
見目良い | みめよい
| (adj) good-looking/ |
見せ付ける | みせつける | (v1) to display/to show/ |
見込み違い | みこみちがい
| (n) miscalculation/ |
見学旅行 | けんがくりょこう | field trip/observation tour/ |
見知り越し | みしりごし
| (n) being well-known to/ |
見張り所 | みはりしょ
| a lookout/a watchhouse/ |
見台 | けんだい | (n) bookrest/bookholder/ |
見かけ上 | みかけじょう | (adj-no) apparent/ |
見え隠れ | みえがくれ | (n,vs) appearing and disappearing/ |
見落す | みおとす | (v5s) to overlook/to miss (seeing)/ |
見渡す | みわたす | (v5s) to look out over/to survey (scene)/to take an
extensive view of/(P)/ |
見境 | みさかい | (n) distinction/discrimination/ |
見分け | みわけ | (n) distinction/(P)/ |
見惚れる | みほれる | (v1) to be fascinated (by)/to watch something in
fascination/to be charmed/ |
見栄をはる | みえをはる | (v5) to be pretentious/to put on airs/ |
見入る | みいる | (v5r) to gaze at/to fix one's eyes upon/ |