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Kanji: Radical: (みる) : ; ; rule
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4285 Index in Halpern dictionary: 978
Japanese Reading English
きてい(n) official regulations/inner rules/
きはんてき (adj-na) normative/
きかく(n) standard/norm/
きじゅん(n) standard/basis/criteria/norm/(P)/
しいきそくただしい (adj) regular/systematic/
きせいかんわ(n) deregulation/removal (easing) of (official) restrictions/
きはん(n) model/standard/pattern/norm/criterion/example/(P)/
きそくしょ (n) rulebook/
きぼ(n) scale/scope/plan/structure/(P)/
きそくただしい regular/well-regulated/
きやく(n) agreement/rules/code/
きせい(n,vs) correction/
きかくか (n) standardization/
きかくげんあんstandards draft/draft of a standard/
きそくでしばる to restrict (a person) by rule/
きてい(adj-no,n,vs) regulation/provisions/(P)/
きじゅんか (vs) normalize/
きかくひん (n) standardized article or goods/
きていち control value/minimal required value/
きそくてき (adj-na) systematic/regular/routine/
規矩きく(n) rule/standard/compass and ruler/
きせいかいじょ(n) deregulation/removal (easing) of (official) restrictions/
きていだせき(n) regulation at batting (baseball)/
きそくいはん(n) breach of the rules/
きそくをやぶる (exp) to violate the rules/
きかくばん (n) standard size/
きせい(n) regulation/(P)/
きそくをやぶる (v5) to break the rule/
きりつ(n) order/rules/law/(P)/
きぼのけいざいeconomies of scale/
きそくをまもる (exp) to abide (by the rules)/to keep to the regulations/
きそく(n) rule/regulations/(P)/