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Kanji: Radical: (みる) : シン; おや、した(しい)、した(しむ); parent
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4293 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1799
Japanese Reading English
しんあい(n) deep affection/(P)/
おやまさり(adj-na,n) surpassing one's parents/
しんべい(n) pro-American/
親鸞しんらんFounder of the Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism (1173-1262)/
おやじ(n) first character (of a dictionary entry)/
しんえいへい a personal guard or bodyguard/
おやきょうだい (n) parents and siblings/one's relatives/
おやもと(n) one's parents/one's parents' home/one's home/
しんりん(n) visit by an emperor or noble/
親戚しんせき(n) relative/(P)/
しんのうひ Imperial princess/
親しいしたしいclose, friendly
おやぶんかぶ position of boss (big shot)/
しんせつぎ (n) kindheartedness/
おやこどんbowl of rice with chicken and egg
おやもと(n) one's parents/one's parents' home/one's home/
しんわせい affinity/
おやなし(n) parentless/
おやしお(n) the Kurile Current/
おやぶね(n) mother ship/
しんぜん(n) friendship/(P)/
親しみやすいしたしみやすい friendly/
しんにん(n) imperial appointment/
親しいしたしい(adj) intimate/close (e.g. friend)/(P)/
おやこでんわextension phone (and its main line)/
しんにんしき investing of an official appointed by the Emperor/
親をしめるおやをくるしめる(exp) to cause one's parents distress/
しんきん(n) a relative/familiarity/
しんゆう(n) close friend/bosom (old, intimate) friend/buddy/crony/chum/(P)/
親戚しんせきちき relatives and acquaintances/
しんさい(n) matter personally decided by the emperor/
おや(n) parents/(P)/
しんにんかん (n) official appointed by the Emperor/
親炙しんしゃ(n) coming into close contact and being influenced by/
しんとう(n) degree of kinship/
しんぜんじあい(n) friendly match (game)/friendly/
しんるいづきあい(n) (the quality of) inter-family association/
えるしんせつにこたえる (exp) to repay a kindness/
おやなしご (n) parentless child/orphan/
親に迄されるおやにまでみはな される(exp) to be the despair of one's parents/
おやご(n) another's parent(s)/
しんみつかん feeling of affinity/friendship/
親しくしたしく(adv,n) intimately/personally/in person/
親爺おやじ(gikun) (n) one's father/old man/one's boss/
しんてんしょ confidential letter/
しんえつ(n) personal inspection/
おやぎ(n) stock (from which a graft is taken)/
おやかた(n) master/