触れ回る | ふれまわる | (v5r) to cry about/to broadcast/ |
触れ込む | ふれこむ | (v5m) to announce/to pretend to be/to pass off for/to
pose as/to herald/ |
触れ込み | ふれこみ | (n) (exaggerated) professing to be/passing oneself off
as/ |
触れる | ふ
れる | (v1) to touch/to be touched/to touch on a
subject/to feel/to violate (law, copyright, etc.)/to perceive/to be emotionally
moved/(P)/ |
触れ合う | ふれあう | (v5u) to come into contact with/to touch (each
other)/(P)/ |
触発 | しょくはつ | (n,vs) touching off something/provocation/ |
触覚 | しょっかく | (n) the sense of touch/(P)/ |
触手 | しょくしゅ | (n) feeler/tentacle/ |
触感 | しょっかん | (n) sense of touch/sense of being touched/tactile
sense/ |
触合い | ふれあい | (n) contact/ |
| さわる | (v5r) to
touch/to feel/(P)/ |
触れ太鼓 | ふれだいこ
| (n) message beat of a drum (such as at the
opening of a sumo tournament)/ |
触角 | しょっかく | (n) feeler/antenna/ |
触媒作用 | しょくばいさよう | catalytic action/(P)/ |
触媒 | しょくばい | (n) catalyst/(P)/ |
触診 | しょくしん | (n) palpation/ |
| さわり | (n)
touch/feel/impression (of a person)/most impressive passage/punch
line/ |
触れ | ふれ | (n)
proclamation/official notice/ |
触れ合い | ふれあい | (n) contact/(P)/ |