The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary
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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : タク; かこ(つ); entrust
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4315 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1455
Japanese Reading English
託つけるかこつける (v1) to use as an excuse/to pretend that/
たくじしょ (n) creche/(P)/
託つかこつ(v5t) to complain about/to grumble/to make an excuse for/
託すた くす(v5s) to entrust with/to make an excuse of/(P)/
たくそう(n) consignment/
託 けことづけ(n) (verbal) message/
たくせん(n) oracle/(P)/
託す るたくする(vs-s) to entrust/
たくげん(n) pretext/excuse/plea/