訳書 | やくしょ | (n) translation/ |
柄 | わけがら | (n) reason/circumstances/meaning/ |
訳も無く | わけもなく | without cause/without reason/ |
訳ない | わけない | (adj) easy/easily/ |
訳す | やくす | (v5s) to translate/(P)/ |
訳知り | わけしり | (n) man of the world/experienced in matters of the
heart/ |
訳本 | やくほん | (n) translated book/ |
訳が分らない | わけがわからない | incomprehensible/ |
訳無い | わけない | (adj) easy/easily/ |
訳無く | わけなく | easily/without difficulty/ |
訳 | わけ | (n) (uk) meaning/reason/circumstances/can be
deduced/situation/(P)/ |
訳出 | やくしゅつ | (n) translation/ |
語 | やくご | (n) terms used in translation/ |
訳詩 | やくし | (n) translated poem/ |
訳業 | やくぎょう | (n) the translation profession/ |
訳者 | やくしゃ | (n) translator/(P)/ |
訳合い | わけあい | (n) reason/circumstances/meaning/ |
訳文 | やくぶん | (n) a translation/translated sentence/ |
訳解 | やっかい | (n) translating and explaining/ |
訳の分かった人 | わけのわかったひと
| sensible man/ |
訳載 | やくさい | (n) running a translation (in a magazine)/ |
訳名 | やくめい | (n) name or word formed by translation/ |
訳読 | やくどく | (n) reading and translating/ |
訳詞 | やくし | (n) translated text/ |
訳し難い | やくしがたい | difficult to translate/ |
訳の分からない言葉 | わけのわからないことば | meaningless words/words that make no sense/ |
訳注 | やくちゅう | (n) translation with notes/translator's
notes/ |
訳述 | やくじゅつ | (n) translation/ |