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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : ; こころ(みる)、ため(す); try
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4361 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1525
Japanese Reading English
試みるこころみるtry; attempt
しけんし (n) litmus paper/
しけんべんきょうcramming for exams/
しこう(n,vs) making an attempt/
けるしけんをうける (exp) to sit for an examination/
しけん(n,vs) examination/test/study/(P)/
試し斬りためしぎり(n) trying out a new sword or blade/
しけんじょう (n) examination hall (room)/laboratory/
しくつしゃ prospector/
試みるこころみる(v1) to try/to test/(P)/
試すためす(v5s) to attempt/to test/(P)/
ためすじpatron/effective means/
しけんかもく(n) subjects for (of) examination/exam subject/
しもん(n,vs) interview/examination/question/
しくつ(n) prospecting/trial digging/
しけんてき (adj-na) experimental/provisional/
ししょく(n) sampling food/(P)/
しりょう(n) sample/test piece/
しいん(n) sampling drink/a taste/
しちょう(n) trial listening (e.g. to a record before buying)/an audition/
しろん(n) essay/tentative assumption/
しさくき (n) prototype (e.g. plane)/
しよう(n) trial/
しほ(n) probationer/
しれん(n) test/trial/probation/ordeal/(P)/
しちゃくしつ fitting room
しあい(n) match/game/bout/contest/(P)/
で撥ねられるしけんではねられるto get flunked in an examination/
しじょうしゃ (n) demonstration model (car)/
しあん(n) tentative/
しえん(n) trial performance/rehearsal/
しさんひょう (n) trial balance sheet/
しひつ(n) first writing (of the New Year)/
しけんひこう(n) test (trial) flight/
しけんもんだい(n) examination (exam) questions/questions for an examination/
しこうさくご(n) trial and error/(P)/
しけんきかん(n) test (testing) period/
試しためし(n) trial/test/(P)/
ししゃ(n) test firing/
しけんかんとく(n) proctoring of an exam/invigilation/
しさん(n,vs) trial calculation/
しきょうひん (n) specimen/sample/
するしちゃくするtry on
しちゃくしつ dressing room/
しくつけん (n) prospecting rights/mining claim/
しさくひん trial product/
しうんてん (n) trial run/test run/(P)/
試煉しれん(n) ordeals/trials/
試すためすtry; test