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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : キツ; つ(める)、つ(め)、つ(まる); be packed
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4359 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1521
Japanese Reading English
詰めつめしょうぎ (n) chess problem/composed shogi problem/
詰まりつまり(adv,n) in short/in brief/in other words/that is to say/in the long run/after all/blockade/stuffing/ultimate/(P)/
詰めつめもの(n) filling or packing material/stuffing/padding/
詰みつみ(n) checkmate/
詰めつめしょ(n) station/office/guardroom/
詰めえるつめかえる(v1) to repack/to refill/
詰めつめよる(v5r) to draw near/to draw closer/
詰めてつめてかようto frequent tirelessly/
詰めせるつめあわせる(v1) to assort/
詰ま らせるつまらせる(v1) to make shorter/
詰るなじる(v5r) to rebuke/to scold/to tell off/
きっせき(n,vs) (rare) reproach/reprove/reprimand/
詰らないつまらない(adj) (uk) insignificant/boring/trifling/(P)/
詰まる つまる(v5r) (1) to be blocked/to be packed/(2) to hit the ball near the handle of the bat (baseball)/(P)/
詰りつまり(adv,n) in short/in brief/in other words/that is to say/in the long run/after all/blockade/stuffing/ultimate/
詰めつめばら(n) being forced to commit seppuku/
きつもん(n) cross-examination/(P)/
つめくさ(n) white Dutch clover/
詰めつめこみしゅぎ(belief in the desirability of) education by rote learning/
詰まるつまるところ(adv) in sum/in short/in the end/
詰めつめこむ(v5m) to cram/to stuff/to jam/to squeeze/to pack/to crowd/(P)/
詰めわせつめあわせ(n) combination/assortment (of goods)/
詰めつめ(n,suf) stuffing/packing/keep doing for period of time (verbal suf)/an end/the foot (e.g. of a bridge)/checkmate/mate/appointment/
詰めつめえり(n) stand-up collar/
詰めつめご(n) composed go problem/
つめもの(n) filling or packing material/stuffing/padding/
詰める つめる(v1) to pack/to shorten/to work out (details)/(P)/
詰めけるつめかける(v1) to crowd (a house)/to throng to (a door)/
詰めわせるつめあわせる(v1) to pack an assortment of goods/
詰めつめきる(v5r) to be or remain always on hand/
詰むつむ(v5m) to become fine/(P)/
詰めているつめているto be in attendance (on duty)/