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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : セイ; ちか(う); swear
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4369 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2754
Japanese Reading English
せいやく(n) written vow/(P)/
誓うちかう(v5u) to swear/to vow/to take an oath/to pledge/(P)/
誓いちかい(n) oath/vow/
せいもんばらい bargain sale/
せいげん(n,vs) attestation/attest/vow or oath (made to the gods)/
せいがんけん oath of office/
せいし(n) vow/oath/pledge/
誓いをてているちかいをたてている(exp) to be under a vow/
誓いわすちかいかわすto vow to each other/
せいがん(n) oath/
せいし(n) written oath/
せいもん(n) written oath/(P)/
せいやくしょ written oath/covenant/
誓ってちかって(adv) surely/upon my word/by Jove/