読み付けている | よみつけている | to be accustomed to reading/ |
読者 | どくしゃ | (n) reader/(P)/ |
耽る | よみふける | (v5r)
to be absorbed in reading/ |
読経 | どきょう | (n) sutra chanting/ |
読みやすさ | よみやすさ | ease of reading/legibility/ |
読み落とす | よみおとす | (v5s) to overlook in reading/ |
読者層 | どくしゃそう
| (n) class of readers/(P)/ |
読み方 | よみかた | (n) way of reading/how to read/(P)/ |
読み込む | よみこむ | (v5m) to express (e.g. emotion)/to fetch (e.g. CPU
inst.)/to read (extra meaning) into (something)/ |
読み切り | よみきり | (n) finish reading/finish reading in one
session/ |
読誦 | どくしょう | (n,vs) reading
aloud/recitation/intoning/ |
読み終る | よみおわる | (v5r) to finish reading/to read through/ |
読み書き | よみかき | (n) reading and writing/(P)/ |
読書の面白味を味わう | どくしょのおもしろみをあじわう
| (exp) to appreciate the pleasures of
reading/ |
読み物 | よみもの | (n) reading matter/reading material/(P)/ |
読解 | どっかい | (n) reading comprehension/ |
読売 | よみうり | (n) Yomiuri (newspaper)/ |
読みやすい | よみやすい | easy to read/ |
読書力 | どくしょりょく
| reading ability/ |
読み出し | よみだし | (n) reading/readout (computer)/ |
読出し | よみだし | (n) reading/readout (computer)/ |
読会 | どっかい | (n) reading (of a bill)/ |
読み方 | よみかた | way of reading, how to read |
読み合わせる | よみあわせる | (v1) to read out and compare or collate/ |
読み聞かす | よみきかす | (v5) to read to (for) someone/ |
読唇術 | どくしんじゅつ
| (n) lip reading/ |
読者の声 | どくしゃのこえ
| readers voice/ |
読後感 | どくごかん
| (n) one's impressions after reading a
book/ |
読書三昧 | どくしょざんまい
| be absorbed in reading/ |
読み聞かせる | よみきかせる | (v1) to read aloud to another/ |
読書 | どくしょ | reading |
読過 | どっか | (n) finish reading/skim (over)/ |
読み破る | よみやぶる | (v5r) to read through (difficult passage or particularly
long book)/ |
読み損う | よみそこなう | (v5u) to misread/to mispronounce/(P)/ |
読後 | どくご | (n) after reading a book/ |
読破 | どくは | (n,vs) finish reading a book/ |
読み出す | よみだす | (v5s) to read (computer)/ |
読み返す | よみかえす | (v5s) to reread/to read again/(P)/ |
読了 | どくりょう | (n) finish reading/ |
読む | よむ | (v5m) to read/(P)/ |
読み手 | よみて | (n) reader (person)/ |
読み誤る | よみあやまる | (v5r) to misread/to mispronounce/(P)/ |
読み耽ける | よみふける | (v5r) to be absorbed in reading/ |
読み取る | よみとる | (v5r) to read (someones) mind/to read (the
calibration)/ |
読み振り | よみぶり | (n) manner of reading/ |
読書室 | どくしょしつ
| a reading room/ |
読者欄 | どくしゃらん
| reader's column/ |
読み過ごす | よみすごす | (v5s) to skip over/to miss reading/ |
読み人知らず | よみびとしらず
| (n) author unknown/anonymous/ |
読み直す | よみなおす | (v5s) to read (a book, etc.) over again/ |