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Kanji: Radical: (ことば) : ; ; section
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4389 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1573
Japanese Reading English
かちょうきん (n) charges (i.e. fees)/
かぜいりつ (n) tax rate/
かもく(n) (school) subject/curriculum/course/(P)/
かがいじゅぎょう(n) extracurricular lesson/
かぎょう(n) schoolwork/lessons/
(n,n-suf) counter for chapters (of a book)/(P)/
かぜい(n,vs) taxation/(P)/
かえき(n) distribution of assignments/
かきん(n,vs) charges/
かだいきょく (n) set piece (of music)/
かいん(n) section staff/
かだい(n) subject/theme/task/(P)/
課するかする(vs-s) to impose/
かてい(n) course/curriculum/(P)/
かちょうsection chief
課す かす(v5s) to impose/
かがい(n) extracurricular/
かせいsection system (companies)/
課のかのしごと job (responsibility) of a section/
かぜいしょとくtaxable income/
かちょう(n) section manager/section chief/(P)/