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Kanji: Radical: (かい) : ; ; goods
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4493 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2465
Japanese Reading English
かもつしゃ freight car/
かもつじどうしゃ truck/
かきゃくせん (n) combined cargo and passenger ship/
かしょく(n) money-making/
かへいけいざいmonetary economy/
かざい(n) wealth/worldly goods/
かもつゆそう(n) freight traffic (transportation)/freightage/shipment/
かもつえき (n) freight depot/
かへい(n) money/currency/coinage/(P)/
かもつせん (n) freighter/
かもつしつ (n) hold/
かかくせん (n) combined cargo and passenger ship/
かもつ(n) cargo/freight/(P)/
便かもつびん freight/
かしゃ(n) freight car/van/(P)/
かもつれっしゃfreight train/
かきゃく(n) freight and passengers/
かへいかちcurrency value/(P)/
かへいせいどcurrency system/