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Kanji: Radical: (かい) : カン; つらぬ(く); penetrate
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2469 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2460
Japanese Reading English
かんしゅ(n) chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple)/
かんじゅ(n) chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple)/
かんつう(n,vs) pierce/penetrate/perforate/(P)/
かんつうじゅうそうpiercing bullet wound/
貫くつらぬく(v5k) to go through/(P)/
かんてつ(n) accomplishment/realization/penetration/(P)/
かんめ(n) unit of weight, approximately 3.75 kg/
貫禄かんろく(n) presence/dignity/
かんにゅう(n,vs) penetration/
かんりゅう(n,vs) flowing through/(P)/
貫きつらぬきとおす(v5s) to enforce (one's) will/(P)/
かんじゅ(n) chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple)/
かんしゅ(n) chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple)/