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Kanji: Radical: (かい) : ; とうと(い)、たっと(い)、たっと(ぶ); honor
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4504 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2606
Japanese Reading English
きし(n) term of respect in addressing ladies or anothers older sister/
ききんぞくおろしwholesale (wholesaler) in precious metals/
きふじん (n) lady/
きくん(n) (pronoun) you (younger person)/
きけん(n) distinguished person/
貴賤きせん(n) high and low/all ranks/
きぞくいん (n) House of Lords/
きしゅ(n) noble birth/
きじん(n) aristocrat/nobleman/
貴賎きせん(n) high and low (ranks)/
きし(n) (hon) your magazine/your journal/your paper/your honored paper/your columns/
貴いであるたっといいえがら である(exp) to be of noble birth/
きし(n) (hon) your magazine/your journal/your paper/your honored paper/your columns/
きらん(n) your (visual) observation (respectful)/
きこく(n) your country (respectful)/
貴ぶとうとぶ(v5b) to value/to prize/to esteem/(P)/
きこう(n) (pronoun) you (younger person)/
きひん(n) noble visitor/(P)/
貴いたっといいのちprecious life/
きい(n) (hon) your will/your wishes/your request/
きめい(n) your name (respectful)/
きじょ(oK) (n) (fem) you/lady/
きかん(n) your letter (polite)/
きか(n) (pronoun) you (younger person)/
ききんぞく (n) precious metal/
きけい(n) you (elder brother)/
きさつ(n) your letter (respectful)/
きちょうひん (n) valuables/treasures/(P)/
貴いとうとい(adj) precious/valuable/priceless/noble/exalted/sacred/(P)/
きさま(n) (vulg) you/
きちょう(adj-na,n) precious/valuable/(P)/
貴翰きかん(n) your letter (polite)/
貴ガスきガスinert gas/noble gas/
きぞく(adj-no,n) noble/aristocrat/(P)/
貴ぶたっとぶ(v5b) to value/to prize/to esteem/(P)/
きほう(n) (hum) (uk) you/dear (what a wife calls a husband)/
殿きでん(n) polite 2nd person pronoun/
きしゅう(n) reply (epistolary)/
貴いたっとい(adj) precious/valuable/priceless/noble/exalted/sacred/(P)/
きしん(n) noble/men of rank/notables/
あなた(oK) (n) (fem) you/lady/
きこうし (n) young noble/noble youth/
あなた(n) (hum) (uk) you/dear (what a wife calls a husband)/(P)/
あなたがた (n) (uk) you (plural) (When you want to sound flagrantly flattering)/
きてん(n) your store or shop (respectful)/
きち(n) (hon) your place/
きか(n) your home (respectful)/
あなたがた(n) (uk) you (plural) (When you want to sound flagrantly flattering)/
きそう(n) high priest/respectful form of address to a priest/