The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary
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Kanji: Radical: (かい) : ; たまわ(る); be awarded
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4514 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1585
Japanese Reading English
しか(n) furlough/leave of absence/(P)/
しはい(n) Emperor's cup/trophy given by the Emperor/
賜りたまわりもの(n) boon/gift/
賜う たまう(v5u) to grant/to bestow/to award/
しきん(n) monetary grant (from the government)/
たまもの(n) gift/boon/result/fruit/
賜るたまわる(v5r) to grant/to bestow/(P)/