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Kanji: Radical: (かい) : ゾウ、ソウ; おく(る); give a present
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4525 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1634
Japanese Reading English
ぞうい(n,vs) conferral of a posthumous rank/
贈りおくりな(n) posthumous name/
ぞうわい(n) bribery/corruption/graft/(P)/
ぞうていぼん complimentary copy (of a book)/
ぞうよぜい (n) donation tax/
ぞうていしき presentation ceremony/
ぞうわいざい (n) crime of bribery/
ぞうとうひん gift/present/
ぞうよ(n,vs) donation/presentation/(P)/
ぞうよしょうしょtestimonial/presentation certificate/(P)/
ぞうしゅうわい (n) bribery/corruption/(P)/
ぞうよしゃ donor/
贈る おくる(v5r) to send/to give to/to award to/to confer on/(P)/
ぞうごう(n) posthumous name/
ぞうていしゃ donor/presentator/
おくりもの(n) present/gift/(P)/
ぞうとう(n) exchange of presents/(P)/
贈りおくりぬしsender (of a present)/(P)/
贈りおくりもの(n) present/gift/(P)/
ぞうてい(n) presentation/(P)/
ぞうていひん present/gift/