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Kanji: Radical: (あか) : セキ、シャク; あか、あか(い)、あか(らむ)、あか(らめる); red
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4534 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2193
Japanese Reading English
あかご(n) baby/
せきがいせんしゃしん (n) infrared photography/
じゃっこう(n) unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious/
赤のあかのたにん (n) complete stranger/
あかみ(n) a tinge of red/
せきしゅ(n) bare handed/
赤 チンあかチン(n) mercurochrome/merbromin solution/
赤みがかった あかみがかったrufous or reddish (esp. for ornithology)/
しているあかみがさして いる(exp) to be tinged red/
あかじ(n) red cloth/red background/
じゃっく(n) unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious/
せきちん(n) blood sedimentation rate/
せっけい(n) right ascension/
あかげ(n) redhead/
あかずきん(n) Little Red Riding Hood/
あかざとう (n) brown sugar/
赤えいあかえい(n) stingray/
あかぐみred team/
赤いあかいはね (n) red feather/
せきりきん (n) dysentery bacillus/
せきぐち(n) unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious/
あかじざいせいdeficit financing/
せきじゅうじしゃthe Red Cross/
しゃくどういろ (n) brown/tanned/
あかはだ(n) grazed skin/abraded skin/bare of trees/
赤蜻蛉あかとんぼ(n) red dragonfly/
あかだし(n) soup made with red miso paste/
赤茄あかなす(n) tomato/
あかむし(n) bloodworm/chiggers/
せきじゅうじふschool attached to the Japan Red Cross Society/
せっけっきゅう (n) red blood cell/
赤剥けあかむけ(n) scraped skin/
あかちょうちん (n) (1) red paper restaurant lantern/(2) cheap eating and drinking place/
あかはだ(n) grazed skin/abraded skin/bare of trees/
あかぼう(n) redcap/porter/(P)/
赤蕪あかかぶ(n) red turnip/small red radish/
あかじ(n) deficit/go in the red/(P)/
せきめんきょうふしょう erythrophobia/
あかかり(n) communist hunting/Red-baiting/
あかじdeficit, red figures
せきてっこう (n) hematite/
あかぎっぷ (n) third-class ticket/
あかでんしゃ (n) last train/
あかだしsoup made with miso(soybean paste)
あかしんごう red light
せきし(n) (arch) imperial children/imperial child/
けるあかちゃける(v1) to turn reddish-brown/to turn rufous/to become discolored/