起訴状 | きそじょう
| (n) (written) indictment/ |
起電機 | きでんき
| (n) electric generator/ |
起死回生 | きしかいせい | (n) revival of the dead/recovering from a hopeless
situation/resuscitation/ |
起源 | きげん | (n) origin/beginning/rise/(P)/ |
起草 | きそう | (n,vs) drafting/drawing up a bill/ |
起毛 | きもう | (n) nap raising/ |
債 | きさい | (n) issuing of bonds/ |
起居 | ききょ | (n) behavior/one's daily life/ |
起死 | きし | (n) saving from the brink of death/ |
起きる | おきる | wake up |
起磁力 | きじりょく
| (n) magnetomotive force/ |
起こる | おこる | (v5r) to occur/to happen/(P)/ |
起結 | きけつ | (n) beginning and end/ |
起こり | おこり | (n) source/origin/cause/beginning/genesis/ |
起点 | きてん | (n) starting point/(P)/ |
起爆薬 | きばくやく
| (n) triggering explosive/ |
起動機 | きどうき
| starter/ |
起用 | きよう | (n) appointment/promotion/ |
起立 | きりつ | (n,vs) standing up/(P)/ |
起床 | きしょう | (n) rising/getting out of bed/(P)/ |
起臥 | きが | (n) daily life/ |
爆装置 | きばくそうち | detonator/ |
起動時間 | きどうじかん | startup (interval of) time/ |
起こりうる | おこりうる | (v5uru) to be possible to occur/ |
起承転結 | きしょうてんけつ | (n) introduction, development, turn and conclusion
(quadripartite structure of certain Chinese poetry)/ |
起ち居 | たちい | (n) one's movement/ |
起座 | きざ | (n,vs) sitting up in bed/ |
起す | おこす | (io) (v5s) to raise/to cause/to wake
someone/ |
起重機 | きじゅうき
| (n) crane/derrick/(P)/ |
起こす | おこす | (v5s) to raise/to cause/to wake
someone/(P)/ |
起こる | おこる | happen |
起稿 | きこう | (n) drafting/ |
起電 | きでん | (n) generation of electricity/ |
起算 | きさん | (n) starting to count/ |
起こす | おこす | wake (someone) up |
起因 | きいん | (n) cause/ |
起き上がり小法師 | おきあがりこぼし
| (n) self-righting doll/ |
起句 | きく | (n) opening line/opening line of a (Chinese)
poem/ |
起筆 | きひつ | (n) beginning to write/ |
起きる | おきる | (v1) to get up/to rise/(P)/ |
起訴 | きそ | (n) prosecution/indictment/(P)/ |
起原 | きげん | (n) origin/beginning/rise/ |
起爆 | きばく | (n) exploding/ |
業 | きぎょう | (n) starting a business/promotion of
enterprise/ |
起き伏し | おきふし | (adv,n) rising and going to bed/daily life/ |
起つ | たつ | (v5t) to rise up/to initiate (political)
action/ |
起動時 | きどうじ
| startup (point in) time/ |
起き上がる | おきあがる | (v5r) to rise/to erect/to get up/(P)/ |
起伏 | きふく | (n) undulation/ |
電力 | きでんりょく
| (n) electromotive force/ |