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Kanji: Radical: (はしる) : エツ; こ(す)、こ(える); go beyond
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4542 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3314
Japanese Reading English
越すこす(v5s) to go over (e.g. with audience)/(P)/
えっとうしきんwinter bonus/
おちど(n) error/
えっそ(n) appeal made directly to a senior official without going through formalities/
えてんらく Etenraku (Japanese court music composition)/
えっけんこういact of arrogation/
えっきょう(n) border transgression/(P)/
越える こえる(v1) to cross over/to cross/to pass through/to pass over (out of)/(P)/
えつねんそうほんbiennial herb/
えっとう(n) passing the winter/
越しごし(n-suf) across/over/beyond/
えっきょうにゅうがく(vs) gaining admission into a school in a school district other than one's own/
えつねん(n,vs) ring out the old year/hibernation/
えちごEchigo/old name for Niigata Prefecture/
えつねんせいしょくぶつ (n) biennial plant/
えっとうたい (n) wintering party (team)/
えっけん(adj-no,n) going beyond authority/unauthorized/(P)/
えっちゅうふんどし(n) string loincloth or G-string/