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Kanji: Radical: (あし) : トウ; ふ(む)、ふ(まえる); tread
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4571 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1587
Japanese Reading English
踏みふみやぶる(v5r) to walk across/to travel on foot/
ふみきり(n) railway crossing/level crossing/starting line/scratch/crossover/(P)/
踏みならす ふみならす(v5s) to stamp one's feet/
踏みらすふみならす(v5s) to stamp one's feet/
踏みふみきり(n) railway crossing/level crossing/starting line/scratch/crossover/
踏み躙るふみにじる(v5r) to trample underfoot/to tread on/to crush with a foot/
踏みふみけす(v5) to stamp out (a fire)/
踏みまるふみとどまる(v5r) to stay on/to remain/to hold out/to stop (doing)/to give up/to hold one's ground/
踏みふみえ(n) tablet bearing Christian images, which Edo-period authorities forced suspected Christians to trample/
踏み潰すふみつぶす(v5s) to trample/to crush underfoot/
踏み拉くふみしだく(v5k) to trample/to crush underfoot/
踏みふみいた(n) pedal/treadle/footboard/
踏みふみだん(n) a step/(flight of) stairs/
ふみきり(n) railway crossing/level crossing/starting line/scratch/crossover/(P)/
踏みふみまよう(v5u) to lose one's way/to go astray/
踏みえるふみこえる(v1) to step over or across/to overcome/
踏みふみぬく(v5k) to tread (a nail) into the sole of one's foot/to tread through (the floor)/
踏みふみこむ(v5m) to step into (someone else's territory)/to break into/to raid/
踏みふみはずす(v5s) to miss one's footing/
踏みふみならす(v5s) to trample flat/to beat a path/
踏みめるふみしめる(v1) to step firmly/to harden by treading/
踏みえるふみこたえる(v1) to stand firm/to hold out/
踏まえるふまえる(v1) to be based on/to have origin in/(P)/
踏むふむ(v5m) to step on/to tread on/(P)/
とうは(n,vs) crushing underfoot/travelling on foot/
踏みふみきる(v5r) to make a bold start/to take a plunge/to take off/(P)/
踏みつけるふみつける(v1) to trample down/to ignore/to tread on/
踏みふみたおす(v5s) to trample down/to bilk/to shirk payment/
踏んふんぞりかえる (v5r) to lie on one's back with legs outstretched/to recline/to get cocky/to be arrogant/
踏みれるふみいれる(v1) to walk in on/to tread upon/
踏みふみば(n) place to stand/
踏みらすふみあらす(v5s) to trample down/to devastate/
踏みけるふみわける(v1) to push through (i.e. a crowd, vegetation, etc.)/
踏んふんばる(v5r) to brace one's legs/to straddle/to stand firm/to plant oneself (somewhere)/to hold out/to persist/(P)/
踏みふみいし(n) stepping stone/
ふみきりばん gatekeeper/crossing guard/
踏みめるふみかためる(v1) to tread down/
踏みふみぐるま(n) treadmill/
とうさ(n) survey/exploration/field investigation/(P)/
ふみぐるま(n) treadmill/
踏み けるふみつける(v1) to trample down/to ignore/to tread on/
踏みふみあらす(v5s) to trample/
とうしゅう(n,vs) following/
踏みえるふみちがえる(v1) to misstep/to stray/
踏みふみだいにのる (exp) to step on a footstool/
踏みふみこみ(n) stepping into/breaking or rushing into/
踏みふみだい(n) footstool/stepping stone/
踏みふみだす(v5s) to step forward/to advance/