踏み破る | ふみやぶる | (v5r) to walk across/to travel on foot/ |
踏切 | ふみきり | (n) railway crossing/level crossing/starting
line/scratch/crossover/(P)/ |
| ふみならす | (v5s) to
stamp one's feet/ |
踏み鳴らす | ふみならす | (v5s) to stamp one's feet/ |
踏み切り | ふみきり | (n) railway crossing/level crossing/starting
line/scratch/crossover/ |
踏み躙る | ふみにじる | (v5r) to trample
underfoot/to tread on/to crush with a foot/ |
踏み消す | ふみけす | (v5) to stamp out (a fire)/ |
踏み止まる | ふみとどまる | (v5r) to stay on/to remain/to hold out/to stop
(doing)/to give up/to hold one's ground/ |
踏み絵 | ふみえ | (n) tablet bearing Christian images, which Edo-period
authorities forced suspected Christians to trample/ |
踏み潰す | ふみつぶす | (v5s) to trample/to crush underfoot/ |
踏み拉く | ふみしだく | (v5k) to trample/to crush underfoot/ |
踏み板 | ふみいた | (n) pedal/treadle/footboard/ |
踏み段 | ふみだん | (n) a step/(flight of) stairs/ |
踏切り | ふみきり | (n) railway crossing/level crossing/starting
line/scratch/crossover/(P)/ |
踏み迷う | ふみまよう | (v5u) to lose one's way/to go astray/ |
踏み越える | ふみこえる | (v1) to step over or across/to overcome/ |
踏み抜く | ふみぬく | (v5k) to tread (a nail) into the sole of one's foot/to
tread through (the floor)/ |
踏み込む | ふみこむ | (v5m) to step into (someone else's territory)/to break
into/to raid/ |
踏み外す | ふみはずす | (v5s) to miss one's footing/ |
踏み均す | ふみならす | (v5s) to trample flat/to beat a path/ |
踏み締める | ふみしめる | (v1) to step firmly/to harden by treading/ |
踏み堪える | ふみこたえる | (v1) to stand firm/to hold out/ |
踏まえる | ふまえる | (v1) to be based on/to have origin in/(P)/ |
踏む | ふむ | (v5m) to step on/to tread on/(P)/ |
踏破 | とうは | (n,vs) crushing underfoot/travelling on
foot/ |
踏み切る | ふみきる | (v5r) to make a bold start/to take a plunge/to take
off/(P)/ |
踏みつける | ふみつける | (v1) to trample
down/to ignore/to tread on/ |
踏み倒す | ふみたおす | (v5s) to trample down/to bilk/to shirk
payment/ |
踏ん反り返る | ふんぞりかえる
| (v5r) to lie on one's back with legs
outstretched/to recline/to get cocky/to be arrogant/ |
踏み入れる | ふみいれる | (v1) to walk in on/to tread upon/ |
踏み場 | ふみば | (n) place to stand/ |
踏み荒らす | ふみあらす | (v5s) to trample down/to devastate/ |
踏み分ける | ふみわける | (v1) to push through (i.e. a crowd, vegetation,
etc.)/ |
踏ん張る | ふんばる | (v5r) to brace one's legs/to straddle/to stand firm/to
plant oneself (somewhere)/to hold out/to persist/(P)/ |
踏み石 | ふみいし | (n) stepping stone/ |
踏切番 | ふみきりばん
| gatekeeper/crossing guard/ |
踏み固める | ふみかためる | (v1) to tread down/ |
踏み車 | ふみぐるま | (n) treadmill/ |
査 | とうさ | (n) survey/exploration/field
investigation/(P)/ |
踏車 | ふみぐるま | (n) treadmill/ |
付ける | ふみつける | (v1) to trample down/to ignore/to tread on/ |
踏み荒す | ふみあらす | (v5s) to trample/ |
踏襲 | とうしゅう | (n,vs) following/ |
踏み違える | ふみちがえる | (v1) to misstep/to stray/ |
踏み台に乗る | ふみだいにのる
| (exp) to step on a footstool/ |
踏み込み | ふみこみ | (n) stepping into/breaking or rushing into/ |
踏み台 | ふみだい | (n) footstool/stepping stone/ |
踏み出す | ふみだす | (v5s) to step forward/to advance/ |