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Kanji: Radical: () : シン; ; body, person
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4601 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3553
Japanese Reading English
身巾みはば(oK) (n) width of a garment/
しんちょうのひくいひとshort person/
しんちゅう(n) within one's body/
身をみをひるがえす(exp) to turn aside adroitly/to dodge/
わりみがわり(n) substitute (for)/sacrifice (of, to)/scapegoat (for)/
身をしてみをころしてじんをなす(exp) to do an act of benevolence at the sacrifice of oneself/
身づくろいみづくろい(n) dressing oneself/personal grooming/
みもと(n) person's identity/ID/past/background/
みうけ(n) ransoming/redeeming/
みじまい (n) dressing or outfitting oneself/
身にみるみにしみる(exp) to come home to/to go to one's heart/
みたけ(n) length (of clothing)/
みぶるい(n) shivering/trembling/shuddering/(P)/
身をめるみをおさめる(exp) to order one's life/
しんたいしょうがいしゃ disabled person/physically handicapped person/
身のみのまわり(n) one's personal appearance/personal belongings/(P)/
身贔屓みびいき(n) favoritism/nepotism/
しんぺん(n) one's person/
身をみをまもる(exp) to defend oneself/
みなり(n) dress/outfit/getup/appearance/
身をてるみをすてる(exp) to throw away one's life/
みども(n) we/
みはば(n) width of a garment/
身をてるみをたてる(exp) to make a success in life/
からだ(n) the body/
しんしん(n) body and mind/
き鰊みかきにしんdried, sliced herring/
らずみしらず(adj-na,n) self-conceit/neglecting one's health/
みじたく (n) dressing or outfitting oneself/
しんじょう(n) merit/body/social position/(P)/
(n) body/main part/oneself/sword/(P)/
みおも(adj-na,n) pregnant/
りでみぶりでしめす to express by gestures/
しんしょうもち good housekeeper/
みぶん(n) social position/social status/(P)/
みもち(n) conduct/behavior/pregnant/
みなげ(n,vs) drown oneself/throw oneself into water/(P)/
身をめるみをきよめる(exp) to cleanse oneself/
しんめい(n) one's life/
みがら(n) one's person/(P)/
身にみにあまるえいをこうむる(exp) to receive undeserved honor/
みがる(adj-na,n) light/agile/nimble/casual/carefree/(P)/
身 にみるみにしみるかぜ piercing wind/
みもとかくにんID/person's identity/checking background/
みぶんのたかいひとman of high position/
みうごき(n) moving about/
みもとほしょうpersonal reference/
みがって (adj-na,n) selfishness/egoism/egotism/
みぜに(n) one's own money/
身にしみるみにしみる(v1) to sink deeply into one's mind/to come home to/