転進 | てんしん | (n) changing course or direction/shifting
position/ |
転轍 | てんてつ | switching or
shunting (of a rail car)/ |
転送電話 | てんそうでんわ | (telephone) call forwarding/call diversion/ |
転ぶ | ころぶ | to fall down |
転音 | てんおん | (n) euphonic change of pronunciation/elision/ |
転借 | てんしゃく | (n) subtenancy/sublease/(P)/ |
転化 | てんか | (n) change/transformation/inversion/ |
転送 | てんそう | (n,vs) transfer/transmission/(telephone) call
forwarding/ |
転出証明 | てんしゅつしょうめい | (n) change of address certificate/ |
転換炉 | てんかんろ
| (n) a converter reactor/ |
転居 | てんきょ | (n) moving/changing residence/(P)/ |
転移 | てんい | (n) change/tranference/metastasis/ |
転落 | てんらく | (n,vs) fall/degradation/slump/(P)/ |
転路器 | てんろき
| (n) (railroad) switch/ |
転回 | てんかい | (n) revolution/rotation/ |
転換 | てんかん | (n) convert/divert/(P)/ |
転向 | てんこう | (n,vs) conversion/shift/about-face/switch/ |
転訛 | てんか | (n) (linguistic) corruption/ |
転職 | てんしょく | (n,vs) change of occupation/ |
転針 | てんしん | (n) changing course or direction/shifting
position/ |
転び寝 | ころびね | (n) dozing/ |
転任先 | てんにんさき
| (n) one's new post/ |
転嫁 | てんか | (n,vs) second
marriage/remarriage/imputation/blame/(P)/ |
転位 | てんい | (n)
transposition/dislocation/rearrangement/ |
転売 | てんばい | (n,vs) resale/ |
| ころがる | (v5r) to
roll/to tumble/(P)/ |
転生 | てんしょう | (n) (Buddhism) transmigration of
souls/reincarnation/ |
転置行列 | てんちぎょうれつ | transverse matrix (math)/ |
転寝 | ごろね | (n) dozing/napping on the floor (in one's
clothes)/ |
転寝する | うたたねする | (vs) to nap (in train, at work)/ |
転機 | てんき | (n) turning point/ |
転補 | てんぽ | (n) changing (governmental) posts/ |
転地療養 | てんちりょうよう | seeking to improve one's health with a change of
climate/ |
転変 | てんぺん | (n) mutation/change/vicissitude/ |
転用 | てんよう | (n,vs) diversion/putting something to another
use/ |
転成 | てんせい | (n) transformation/ |
転身 | てんしん | (n) (job) turnover/ |
転校生 | てんこうせい
| (n) exchange student/ |
転ぶ | ころぶ | (v5b) to fall down/(P)/ |
転轍機 | てんてつき | (n) (railroad) switch/ |
転居通知 | てんきょつうち | (n) change of address notice
(announcement)/ |
転石苔を生ぜず | てんせきこけをしょうぜず | (exp) a rolling stone gathers no moss/ |
転がす | ころがす | (v5s,vt) to roll/(P)/ |
転送先 | てんそうさき
| (n) forwarding address/ |
転記 | てんき | (n) posting (of notes, notices etc.)/ |
転倒 | てんとう | (n,vs) tumbling/falling
down/inversion/reverse/upset/turn over/invert/ |
転属 | てんぞく | (n) changing assignments/ |
転ける | こける | (v1) to fall/to collapse/to drop/to break down/to die/to
succumb to/to fall senseless/to be ruined/to have a bad debt/ |
転転 | てんてん | (adj-na,adv,n) rolling about/moving from place to
place/being passed around repeatedly/ |
業 | てんぎょう | (n,vs) change of occupation/ |