輪ゴム | わゴム | (n) rubber band/(P)/ |
輪姦 | りんかん | (n) gang rape/ |
状 | りんじょう | (adj-no,n) ring-shaped/annular/ |
輪差 | わさ | (n) a loop/a trap/ |
輪島塗り | わじまぬり
| (n) Wajima lacquer/ |
輪 | わ | (n) ring/hoop/circle/(P)/ |
輪距 | りんきょ | wheel track/ |
輪栽 | りんさい | (n) rotation of crops/ |
輪生 | りんせい | (n) (in botany) verticillation/ |
輪廻 | りんね | (n) endless cycle of rebirth (Buddhist)/ |
輪投げ | わなげ | (n) quoits/ |
輪唱 | りんしょう | (n,vs) trolling/singing in a circular
canon/round/ |
輪乗り | わのり | (n) riding (a horse) in a circle/ |
輪番制 | りんばんせい
| rotation system/ |
輪留め | わどめ | linchpin/ |
輪抜け | わぬけ | (n) jumping through a hoop/ |
輪舞曲 | りんぶきょく
| rondo/ |
ク | りんタク | (n)
trishaw/pedicab/ |
輪廓 | りんかく | (n)
contours/outlines/ |
輪読 | りんどく | (n) reading in turns/ |
輪禍 | りんか | (n) traffic accident/automobile accident/ |
輪形 | りんけい | (adj-no,n) ring-shaped/circular/ |
輪講 | りんこう | (n) people taking turns reading and explaining a
book/ |
輪転 | りんてん | (n,vs) rotation/revolution/ |
輪伐 | りんばつ | (n) logging in order by area/ |
輪郭 | りんかく | (n) contours/outlines/(P)/ |
輪回 | りんね | Buddhism transmigration of souls/ |
輪 | りん | (n) counter for wheels and flowers/ |
輪業 | りんぎょう | (n) bicycle industry/ |
輪になって踊る | わになっておどる | (exp) to dance in a circle (ring)/ |
輪郭線 | りんかくせん
| outline/ |
輪番 | りんばん | (n) sequence/turn/rotation/(P)/ |
輪切り | わぎり | (n) round slices/ |
輪転機 | りんてんき
| (n) rotary press/ |
輪作 | りんさく | (n) rotation of crops/ |
輪舞 | りんぶ | (n) round dance/dancing in a circle/ |
輪蔵 | りんぞう | (n) rotating shelf for sutras/ |
輪回し | わまわし | (n) hoop trundling or rolling/ |