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Kanji: Radical: (くるま) : リン; ; ring
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4630 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1589
Japanese Reading English
輪ゴムわゴム(n) rubber band/(P)/
輪姦りんかん(n) gang rape/
りんじょう(adj-no,n) ring-shaped/annular/
わさ(n) a loop/a trap/
わじまぬり (n) Wajima lacquer/
(n) ring/hoop/circle/(P)/
りんきょwheel track/
りんさい(n) rotation of crops/
りんせい(n) (in botany) verticillation/
輪廻りんね(n) endless cycle of rebirth (Buddhist)/
わなげ(n) quoits/
りんしょう(n,vs) trolling/singing in a circular canon/round/
わのり(n) riding (a horse) in a circle/
りんばんせい rotation system/
わぬけ(n) jumping through a hoop/
りんぶきょく rondo/
輪タ クりんタク(n) trishaw/pedicab/
輪廓りんかく(n) contours/outlines/
りんどく(n) reading in turns/
りんか(n) traffic accident/automobile accident/
りんけい(adj-no,n) ring-shaped/circular/
りんこう(n) people taking turns reading and explaining a book/
りんてん(n,vs) rotation/revolution/
りんばつ(n) logging in order by area/
りんかく(n) contours/outlines/(P)/
りんねBuddhism transmigration of souls/
りん(n) counter for wheels and flowers/
りんぎょう(n) bicycle industry/
輪になってわになっておどる(exp) to dance in a circle (ring)/
りんかくせん outline/
りんばん(n) sequence/turn/rotation/(P)/
わぎり(n) round slices/
りんてんき (n) rotary press/
りんさく(n) rotation of crops/
りんぶ(n) round dance/dancing in a circle/
りんぞう(n) rotating shelf for sutras/
わまわし(n) hoop trundling or rolling/