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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ゲイ; むか(える); welcome
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4669 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3059
Japanese Reading English
迎えるむかえる(v1) to go out to meet/to accept as a member of a group or family/(P)/
迎えむかえび(n) welcoming fire for returning spirits/
迎えむかえざけ(n) hair of the dog/another drink in the morning/
迎えれるむかえいれる(v1) to show in/to usher in/
げいしゅん(n) welcoming in the new year/
げいげき(n) ambush attack/
迎えむかえかく(n) angle of attack/
げいげきき interceptor/
げいひんかん (n) reception hall/(P)/
げいごう(n) flattery/ingratiation/(P)/
げいひん(n) welcoming guests/
迎えるむかえるgo to meet, welcome
迎えむかえうつ(v5t) to ambush/to attack/to meet the enemy/(P)/
迎えむかえ(n) meeting/person sent to pick up an arrival/(P)/