迎える | むかえる | (v1) to go out to meet/to accept as a member of a group
or family/(P)/ |
迎え火 | むかえび | (n) welcoming fire for returning spirits/ |
迎え酒 | むかえざけ | (n) hair of the dog/another drink in the
morning/ |
迎え入れる | むかえいれる | (v1) to show in/to usher in/ |
迎春 | げいしゅん | (n) welcoming in the new year/ |
迎撃 | げいげき | (n) ambush attack/ |
迎え角 | むかえかく | (n) angle of attack/ |
迎撃機 | げいげきき
| interceptor/ |
迎賓館 | げいひんかん
| (n) reception hall/(P)/ |
迎合 | げいごう | (n) flattery/ingratiation/(P)/ |
迎賓 | げいひん | (n) welcoming guests/ |
迎える | むかえる | go to meet, welcome |
迎え撃つ | むかえうつ | (v5t) to ambush/to attack/to meet the
enemy/(P)/ |
迎え | むかえ | (n) meeting/person
sent to pick up an arrival/(P)/ |