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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ツイ; お(う); chase
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4686 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3096
Japanese Reading English
追うおう(v5u) to chase/to run after/(P)/
ついごう(n) a name given to the deceased/posthumous name or title/
追いつくおいつく(v5k) to overtake/to catch up (with)/
ついふくきょく (musical) canon/
ついせき(n) pursuit/(P)/
ついそう(n) recollection/reminiscence/
ついきゅう(n,vs) gaining on/carrying out/solving (crime)/(P)/
追い追いにおいおいにgradually/by and by/
追いおいばね (n) battledore and shuttlecock game (played at the beginning of the year)/
追いおいばらい(n) supplementary payment/
追っおって(n) a pursuer/a pursuing party/
ついかん(n) additional publication/
ついせきしゃ pursuer/
追いおいごえ(n) (adding) extra fertilizer or manure/
追いおいこみ(n) final stage/last spurt/
ついたいけん (n,vs) vicarious experience/
ついきゅう(n) enquiry/investigation/(P)/
ついきそ (n) supplementary indictment/
追っておって(adv,conj) later/afterwards/by and by/
追っおっぱらう(v5u) to drive away or out/
おいわけぶし (n) horse driver's song/
追いおいて(n) pursuer/
ついちょうきん (n) additional collection (funds)/additional imposition/
追いおいかえす(v5s) to turn away/to send away/
ついひ(n) (adding) extra fertilizer or manure/
追いおいうち(n) final blow/attacking while pursuing/attacking the routed enemy/
追いてるおいたてる(v1) to drive away/
ついおく(n) recollection/reminiscence/
追いおいばら(n) following one's master into death by committing seppuku/
追いめるおいもとめる(v1) to pursue/
ついぜん(n) mass for the dead/Buddhist service held on the anniversary of someone's death/
ついしょう(n) flattery/servile behavior/sycophancy/
追いおいこす(v5s) to pass (e.g. car)/to outdistance/to outstrip/(P)/
追いおいうち(n) final blow/attacking while pursuing/attacking the routed enemy/
追いおいつく(v5k) to overtake/to catch up (with)/(P)/
おって(n) pursuer/
追っけるおっかける(v1) to chase or run after someone/to run down/to pursue/
ついかい(n) recollection/remembrance/reminiscence/
ついとう(n) mourning/memorial/(P)/
追っておってがき(n) postscript/
ついび(n) following/pursuing/
ついろく(n) postscript/addendum/
追いおいまわす(v5s) to chase about/to hang on/to drive hard/
追っおっつけ(adv) by and by/before long/
ついにん(n) ratification/confirmation/
追っぱらうおっぱらう(v5u) to chase away/
追いおいこし(n) passing/
追いおいこむ(v5m) to herd/to corner/to drive/(P)/
おいかぜ(n) tailwind/fair or favorable wind/
ついのう(n) (making an) additional payment/