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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ソウ; おく(る); send
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4683 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3093
Japanese Reading English
そうでんせん (n) power line/
そうわ(n) (telephonic) transmission/
送りおくりむかえ(n) seeing (or dropping) off, then later picking up or going to meet (the same person)/
そうしんき (n) transmitter (device)/
そうしん(n,vs) transmission/(P)/
送り狼おくりおおかみ(n) "gentleman" who escorts a woman home, only to make a pass at her/
そうせき(n) transfer of legal domicile/
そうきん(n) remittance/sending money/(P)/
そうふうき (n) ventilator/
そうべつ(n) farewell/send-off/(P)/
そうきんうけとりにん remittee/
そうたつ(n) conveyance/delivery/dispatch/serving (a summons)/
そうでん(n) electric supply/
そうしゅつ(n,vs) sending/
そうきかん air pipe/
送りおくりさき(n) forwarding address/
そうふさき (n) addressee/
そうふう(n) ventilation/
送 りおくりあなperforations (e.g. in film)/(P)/
そうてい(n,vs) sending a book as a present/
送りおくりぬしsender (of a present)/
そうじゅ(n,vs) sending and receiving/
そうふ(n) sending/forwarding/remitting/(P)/
送るおくる(v5r) to send (a thing)/to dispatch/to take or escort (a person somewhere)/to see off (a person)/to spend a period of time/to live a life/(P)/
そうきゅう(n) throwing a ball/
そうち(n) sending/forwarding/
そうかん(n) sending home/repatriation/
送りおくりび(n) ceremonial bonfire/
送りおくりこむ(v5m) to send in/
送りおくりて(n) sender/
そうゆかん oil pipeline/
送りおくりかえす(v5s) to send back/(P)/
そうりょう(n) postage/carriage/
そうわき (n) (telephone) transmitter/mouthpiece/
そうきんかわせremittance bill/
そうべつかい (n) farewell party/(P)/
稿そうこう(n,vs) document transmission/
送りおくりだす(v5s) to send out/to forward/to show (a person) out/
送りけるおくりつける(v1) to send/
そうけん(n) sending the person accused to the prosecutor/
そうりょうとも including postage/
そうべつかい farewell party
そうきんがく amount of remittance/
そうきんこぎって cashier's cheque/demand draft/
そうすい(n) supply of water/
送りおくりがな part of word written in kana/(P)/
送りおくり(n) seeing off/sending off/funeral/
そうじゅしん (n) transceiver (send and receive)/