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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : トウ; に(げる)、に(がす)、のが(す)、のが(れる); escape
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4682 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3095
Japanese Reading English
逃げにげ(n) escape/getaway/evasion/
逃げにげみず(n) mirage/
とうひてき (adj-na) evasive/
逃げにげさる(v5r) to take flight/to disappear/
逃げせるにげおおせる(v1) to escape/
逃す のがす(v5s) to let loose/to set free/to let escape/(P)/
とうひ(n) escape/evasion/flight/(P)/
逃げれるにげおくれるto fail to escape/
逃れるのがれる(v1) to escape/(P)/
逃げにげあし(n) running away/escaping on foot/(P)/
逃れのがれでるto scuttle off/to take flight/
とうさん(n) fleeing in all directions/(in Japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes/
逃 げちるにげおちる(v1) to escape safely/
逃げにげきる(v5r) to get away/to manage to hold on/
逃げにげぐち(n) way of escape/
逃げにげみち(n) escape route/means of escape/
逃げにげごし(n) preparing to flee/being ready to run away/
逃げにげこむ(v5m) to take refuge in/to succeed in running away/
とうぼう(n,vs) escape/(P)/
ちょうさん(n) fleeing in all directions/(in Japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes/
逃 げにげはしる(v5) to flee/to run away/
逃げにげこうじょう (n) evasive answer/excuse/
にげごし(n) preparing to flee/being ready to run away/
逃げにげまどう(v5u) to run about trying to escape/
とうそう(n,vs) flight/desertion/escape/(P)/
逃げにげだす(v5s) to run away/to escape from/(P)/
にげみち(n) way out/means to escape/
逃げれるにげかくれる(v1) to run away and hide/
逃げびるにげのびる(v1) to make good one's escape/
とうひこう (n) flight/elopement/
逃げせるにげうせる(v1) to escape/to run away/
逃げにげじたく (n) preparing to flee/
逃がすにがす(v5s) to let loose/to set free/to let escape/(P)/
逃げるにげる(v1) to escape/to run away/(P)/
逃げにげみち(n) way out/means to escape/(P)/
逃げにげば(n) refuge/escape/
逃げにげまわる(v5r) to run from place to place/
とうぼうしゃ runaway/fugitive/
逃げにげかえる(v5r) to scurr or run home/