途方もない | とほうもない | extraordinary/preposterous/outrageous/absurd/ |
途中 | とちゅう | (n-adv,n-t) on the way/en route/(P)/ |
途轍も無い | とてつもない | (adj) (uk)
extravagant/absurd/unbelievable/preposterous/unreasonable/ |
途中下車 | とちゅうげしゃ | stopover/ |
途切れる | とぎれる | (v1) to pause/to be interrupted/(P)/ |
途上国 | とじょうこく
| (n) developing country/(P)/ |
途端に | とたんに | (adv) just as/in the act of/ |
途方に暮れる | とほうにくれる
| be at a loss/be puzzled/ |
途上 | とじょう | (n-adv,n-t) en route/half way/(P)/ |
途絶 | とぜつ | (n)
stoppage/interruption/cessation/suspension/ |
途切れ途切れ | とぎれとぎれ
| (adj-na,adj-no,adv)
broken/intermittent/disconnected/ |
途絶える | とだえる | (v1) to stop/to cease/to come to an
end/(P)/ |
途次 | とじ | (n-adv,n-t) on one's way/ |
途中計時 | とちゅうけいじ | one's time at a certain point (at various points) of a
race/ |
途端 | とたん | (n) just (now, at the moment, etc.)/(P)/ |
途中 | つちゅう | (n-adv,n-t) on the way/en route/ |
途轍もない | とてつもない | (adj) (uk)
extravagant/absurd/unbelievable/preposterous/unreasonable/ |
途方 | とほう | (n) way/destination/reason/ |