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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ソク; はや(い)、はや(める)、すみ(やか); quick
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4700 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3105
Japanese Reading English
便そくたつゆうびんspecial delivery mail/express delivery post/
そくど(n) speed/velocity/rate/(P)/
そっけつ(n) prompt decision/summary judgment/
そっきじゅつ (n) shorthand/stenography/
速やかすみやか(adj-na,n) speed/(P)/
速くはやく(adv,n) early/fast/(P)/
そっきゅう(n) fastball/
そっきしゃ (n) stenographer/writer of shorthand/
かりはやわかり(n) guide/quick understanding/handbook/
そっこうせいひりょう (n) quick-acting fertilizer/
めるそくどをゆるめる (exp) to ease up the speed/
そくりょく(n) speed/(P)/
そくせい(n) intensive (short-term) training/
そくどいはん(n) speeding/
そくさん(n) rapid calculation/
そっきろく (n) shorthand or stenographic notes/
そっこう(n) speedy effect/
そっき(n) shorthand/stenography/(P)/
はやわざ(n) quick work/(clever) feat/
そくたつ(n) express/special delivery/(P)/
そくしゃ(n) quick firing/rapid firing/
そくどけい (n) speedometer/
そくしゃ(n) snapshot/
そくひつ(n) rapid writing/
そくほう(n,vs) prompt report/quick announcement/
そくしゃほう (n) rapid-fire gun or cannon/
そくたつspecial delivery
速 いはやいfast, early
そくりょくど speed/velocity/(P)/
速めるはやめる(v1) to hasten/to quicken/to expedite/to precipitate/to accelerate/(P)/
速さはやさ(n) speed/(P)/
そっこう(n) swift attack/
とすそくりょくをおとす (exp) to slow down/
そくせんそっけつ(n) a quick battle for a quick victory/a blitzkrieg (de:)/
はやくち(n) fast (rapid) talking/
便そくたつびん (abbr) special delivery mail/express delivery post/(P)/
そくどく(n) speed reading/
速くはやくearly, quickly, fast
速いはやい(adj) quick/fast/swift/(P)/
そくだん(n,vs) rash decision/jumping to a conclusion/
そくほ(n) fast-paced walking/
そくどせいげん(n) set) a speed limit/