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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ゾウ; つく(る)、つく(り); make
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4701 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3110
Japanese Reading English
ぞうえんじゅつ art of landscape gardening/
ぞうはんゆうりThere are no rebels without reasons/
ぞうけい(n) molding/modelling (cf. plastic arts)/
ぞうせん(n) shipbuilding/(P)/
ぞうか(n) the Creator/the Universe/
ぞうえん(n) landscape gardening/
造りのつくりのがんじょうないえhouse of solid structure/
ぞうえいぶつ buildings/
ぞうせんぎょう shipbuilding industry/
ぞうせんしょ (n) shipyard/dock yard/shipbuilding yard/
ぞうへい(n) coinage/mintage/
ぞうしゅ(n) sake brewing/
ぞうこくぜい (n) brewing tax/
ぞうりん(n,vs) (re)forestation/
ぞうけいびじゅつthe plastic arts/
造りつくりざかや (n) sake brewer or brewery/
ぞうせい(n,vs) creation/clearing/reclamation/
造詣ぞうけい(n) deep knowledge/attainments/scholarship/
ぞうほん(n) bookbinding or bookmaking/
造詣のぞうけいのおくぶかさ deep knowledge/
ぞうご(n) coined word/
ぞうぶつしゅ (n) the Creator/Maker/
造りつくりつけ(n) fixed/built in/fixture/
ないぞうさない(adj) no trouble/easy/
ぞうへいきょく (n) (coin) mint/(P)/
ぞうごせいぶんconstituents of compound word/
ぞうさ(n) trouble/difficulty/
造りつくりて(n) maker/builder/creator/tenant farmer/
ぞうせんじょ (n) shipyard/dock yard/shipbuilding yard/
ぞうりんがく forestry/
ぞうけつざい (n) blood-producing medicine/
ぞうじ(n) very short time/moment/
ぞうへい(n) manufacture of arms/
造りつくり(n) make up/structure/physique/
造りけるつくりつける(v1) to build in/
ぞうさない (adj) no trouble/easy/
造るつくる(v5r) to make/to create/to manufacture/to draw up/to write/to compose/to build/to coin/to cultivate/to organize/to establish/to make up (a face)/to trim (a tree)/to fabricate/to prepare (food)/to commit (sin)/to construct/(P)/
ぞうかのみょう the mystery of creation/
ぞうはん(n) rebellion/
ぞうさく(n) making/house fixture/facial features/
顛沛ぞうじてんぱい(a) moment/
ぞうざんうんどう(n) mountain-making movements/
ぞうけい(n) molding/modelling (cf. plastic arts)/
ぞうき(n) engine construction/
ぞうえいひ construction costs/
ぞうえいざい (n) (medical) contrast media/
ぞうえい(n) building/construction/
ぞうへいしょう(n) armory/arms factory/arsenal/
ぞうか(n) artificial flowers/artificial flower making/
造りげるつくりあげる(v1) to complete/to build up/